/𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘗𝘵.2/

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(same as the part 1)


bruce tried to hide it.

he tried to hide the way he looked at vance hopper, how he stopped whatever he was doing to watch him like a hawk. bystanders would think he was just mezmerized, but it was so much more.

ever since their fateful night at desire, vance was all bruce could think about. day and night it drove yamada crazy.

his body language, his aura that screamed dominance, how he got when he was pissed off, the way he touched the younger.

all bruce knew is that he was down BAD for vance hopper.


the club was unusually busy today, but that just put more money in Bruce's bag. the young adult was seen speed walking all around the club, taking orders and being flirty.

it would have gone like this all night if it wasn't for two very important people walking in. vance and robin were dressed their very best, not like they always were though. the best friends always dressed to the nines.

but something looked different about vance.

he had his hair in his usual bun, but he hand his sleeves rolled up. the burnettes eyes went wide when he realized what was different.

vance had a sleeve tattoo.

it looked recent, probably a week ago, the plastic wrapping fresh off his forearm. the tattoo was of a snake, it wrapped all around his arm and even went up past his sleeve.

it was as if a new kink was unlocked for bruce. he didn't know he had a thing for tattoos, but here he was. basically frozen with drool almost coming out of his mouth.

vance immediately scanned the large room for bruce. he had a habit of looking for the burnette when he knew he'd be there. and sure enough, he saw bruce standing next to a group of well-dressed middle aged men. but what made his eyes darken with anger was the way they looked at him.

the watched bruce attentively, some of their eyes even on his ass in the short shorts. the men didn't even try to hide they were practically devouring bruce with their eyes.

vance was pissed. bruce belonged to him, and him only.

and vance did NOT like the share his toys.

"vance, go fuck them up. or you could just fuck him." robin came beside the blonde and watched the whole scene unfold. he put his arm on vance's shoulder to show his support.

he also said to fuck them up so he could get in on the action. robin knew vance could easily handle them with all the working out he does, but he had a kick. he wanted to impress finney, still trying to figure out how to ask him to a date.

vance looked back at him and smirked, but didn't move. he knew bruce didn't like violence, and especially didn't like it when vance got into a fight with a skeez.

instead of storming over, vance excused himself to go to bruce's private room. after their fun night, vance had a special room made for bruce and bruce only. it was basically regina george's bedroom. once the elevator doors opened, he put in the code and walked in, making sure to keep the lights off.


"FINNEY STOPPPP!!" Bruce's voice was heard whining about to finney, who had been teasing him about vance's tattoo. "omg you're so inlove with it. why don't you marry it?" finney blurted put as he stopped in-front of bruce's private room.

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now