/ 𝘛𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘺 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵/

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this one hit hard at home base

WARNING: mention of death and suicidal thoughts

vance is 16 and bruce is 15


vance's POV

fuck you bruce.

i never thought this day would come, where i'd have to let you go.

it was like yesterday when i had you in my arms, watching you play with the flowers and make a crown. 

you were my sunshine, you brought the happiness and love i so desperately needed in life to me.

i love you with my whole heart, ever since i laid eyes on you in lunch.

you were being picked on by matty, and you your little friend finney blake. you were so scared, hands slightly trembling. the way matty was hustling you to give him your money angered me. i knew i had to speak up, with my fist.

i hoped you noticed me, i was dying for you to. but then a thought crossed my mind. would you like someone as cruel as me? i tried my hardest to be good for you.

but when the day came that you finally considered me into existence, it wasn't pretty. i had overheard a kid making racist comments about you, and i couldn't let that slide. i beat the little shit half to death.

a crowd formed, you along with it. i'm the midst of throwing a grueling punch, when we met eyes. yours were so delicate and sweet, no ounce of violence or trauma present. i felt like putty in your gaze.

the little shit took this as an opportunity to get his licks in and punched me square in the nose. so i did the same 10x back. the teachers came outside to see all commotion, and everyone scattered.

i ran away too, knowing i could get into some trouble. running to the farthest bathroom, i sat down on a bench and gazed at the sky. i would have stayed there if it wasn't for a voice startling me.

'ahem....' i heard an oh so familiar voice pop in beside me. i looked up and it was you. instead of an innocent happy look on your face, you had on of angst and worry.

i looked down in embarrassment, you had seen me get hurt.

instead of laughing at me, you took my jaw and pulled it up. i froze for a second, unable to move, afraid of what you would do. you reached your fingers over to lightly touch my bleeding swollen nose. i flinched away in pain, but didn't dare move from your gentle grasp.

you spent a few more minutes examining, before coming to your conclusion. "you have a pretty banged up nose, i'll take you to my flat." you never gave me time to comprehend what was happening, before you hauled me up and took my arm over your shoulder.

i liked being close to you, finding immense comfort in the warm vanilla scent you gave off. now i saw why girls always wanted to be close to you. you were perfect.

when we finally made it to your house, i was in awe. it was big, but not it too big, just right. the interior and exterior looked expensive. i felt like a homeless boy standing next to you here.

you dragged me up to your room, blabbering on to me as if we've been best friends for years. it was nice, i liked having someone around. but only if that someone was you.

"i'm just gonna disinfect the cuts since we don't know what kind of diseases that punk had." i chucked at you're words. the humor you had was always funny to me.

when we finished, you cleaned and brushed my hair. i normally hate when people touch my hair, but you made it feel heavenly. i love your touch, and i miss it so.

how gentle you were with me even knowing i could beat you to death or easily snap your neck. you still handled me as if i was an irreplaceable diamond. i felt so loved by you, never wanting to leave your side.

but that's gone now.

i walk to school alone, eat alone, and do pretty much everything alone. nobody talks about you anymore, knowing i'll send them straight to the grim reaper if they do.

one time a kid had the balls to say he was glad you were gone. i lost it. the kid almost died, but he didn't tell his parents who beat him, even though everyone had a pretty good idea who.

i've tried to visit you, but it's so hard. i break down every time i see the stone. i feel so weak without you. so empty.

no purpose.


the weather was cold now, around the January time. vance was in one of his angry moods again.

vance was in his room punching the wall consistently, hot tears streaming down his face. the memories of bruce had been accidentally resurfaced, and vance couldn't stand it.

shallow pants of exhaustion came out of his mouth, over and over. his knuckles were broken and bleeding, but he didn't care. all he was focused on was getting his baby to tend to them.

when vance finally thought the wall had enough, he stepped back to admire his work. there was blood from his cracked hands on the walls, smearing all over.

he walked over to his bed and sat down, looking up to see his angel. bruce smiled at him  and took his hand gently. bandaging up the wound, the brunette kissed it and let go.

vance watched as the boy grabbed his forearm and heaved him up. for such a small boy, he sure had the strength to make up for it. 'cmon vancey, we have to get to school."

vane got up from the bed smiling like an idiot. the two grabbed our bags and took off to the hell hole. the blonde used to think school was an extreme waste of time and hated it, but when bruce came into his life he suddenly found it interesting. bruce even helped him get his grades up and move up.

today however, was very boring for vance. he just sat in class staring at the window. the teacher wasn't there so the class just did what they wanted, grouping up with their friends. vance stayed where he was. he waited to get released to lunch, where he had a long time to talk to his baby.

the bell rang loudly, causing a stir of students to rush into the hallways. vance was one of the first out, overly excited. speed walking to their favorite spot, a table right beside an indoor willow tree bruce loved. setting his lunch down, he waited patiently for his angel.

vance's smile brightened when he saw the brunette running to him. sitting down, the boy told vance all about his day. vance stared at bruce with stars and adoration in his eyes, listening attentively.


"why has vance been acting like bruce is still here? it's only hurting him more." finney said with worry laced in his voice. the boy looked to his boyfriend, robin, for an answer.

robin looked at him and shrugged, "i'm not sure babe. maybe this is his way of coping after-" robins voice almost cracked as he sighed heavily. finney rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. they hated seeing their friend abuse himself like this, but they knew no way to stop him. robin looked back up to see vance still talking to the empty chair.

"-after bruce was killed by the grabber almost a year ago."


this is the vance version!!! i put a plot twist in there halfway😎

and i an working on your guys request so they will be posted as soon as i can get them out🫶🏼

i hurt my ankle at dance practice and think it's twisted, so i should have a little more time on my hands:))

thank you guys for reading i truly love the comments y'all leave and they make me laugh so hard. makes my day so much better.

on the road to 10k reads🎉🎉

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