/𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦/

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vance is 20 and bruce is 19!!!!!! (also there's slight cross dressing and use of toys)

Modern au

i just realized i write hella long chapters my bad 😥


to say vance was pissed was to say the least.

he was beyond angry at his father, for forcing him into the business when he still has to live. mr. hopper owned a variety of casinos and clubs, meaning he was very rich.

vance was like any other spoiled young adult. he got whatever he wanted whenever. he was never told the word no. and for his own father to deny him of not becoming CEO of their most popular club is insane. has the old man lost his mind?

the only way vance could clear his head was to go to said club to have a few drinks. calling up his friend robin, they set plans to meet up at desire. it was the most popular of the clubs vance's family owned so it was a hit.

changing into one of his favorite silk suits, he tied his hair back into a ponytail and left his mansion. going to his massive garage, he decided on his matte black Lamborghini. vance started the car and drove to desire.

bruce's POV

i fumbled with the strings on the sides of my bottoms. i was really nervous, today was my first day working at desire. i needed a job because my dad kicked me out and i'm broke as fuck. and if you're wondering why i got kicked out, it's because i'm gay.

my amazing mother was able to buy a small apartment for me, but my college funds are all on my own. when i was younger, i was a dancer. my mom loved going to my recitals and when i joined company competition teams. but my dad hated it.

i was lucky enough to get a dance scholarship for ballet in LA, it was halfway paid for. i rector turned 19, so i was a free adult. desperate for money to not become homeless, i got a job as a server and a dancer at desire.

"hey bruce, you alright?" my new friend, finney, asked me. he's been working as a bartender for a few months now and he's how i found this club. finney had a thing for one of the popular guys who came to the club, the son of a fashion designer.

"huh? oh yeah.... just a little nervous you know?" i tried to smile when i answered, but to no avail. finney knew about my social anxiety and always knew when i was nervous. he side eyed me with his caring look he always had when he looked at me.

the manager came in and yelled at all of us to get to work since the owners son would be in tonight. 'the boss had a son?? since when?'

i was confused until the manager put me in taking their drinks and whatever they wanted. my palms and forehead started to sweat, i dabbed my forehead lightly nog to smudge my natural makeup look i had on. taking a deep breath, i plastered a sultry look on my face and walked with a purpose.

i hope i don't fuck this up

3rd person POV

vance entered the club and headed straight for his private booth. he sat down and waited for robin to show up. soon enough, the other male made it, dressed in a black tux. robins family wasn't near as rich and powerful as vance's, but they still had a lot of money. the two dabbed up and ordered drinks.

vance's POV

robin scooted towards the bar and began having a flirty conversation with one of the bartenders i think his name was finney. i didn't really care anyways, i was too busy watching the dancers onstage.

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