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this one might be a little small so bear with me, i just need to post a lil more:)

(both 16, let's smack this bad boy into the modern days)

*vance would have a car but he ran over a stop sign so it's in repairs*


vance was worried.

bruce hasn't been at school for two days already, and he felt like he was crumbling to pieces. the burnette was always there with him. to make sure he gets to class, doing his homework on time, and not getting into any fights.

well vance did pretty well on the first two, but he wishes he could say the same for the last. vance had been angry the days bruce was gone, beating up kids just for fun at that point.

he knew bruce would be disappointed in him, but all he wanted was to hold his baby.

vance's POV

i'm pissed! i'm pissed that bruce isn't here. im pissed that a kid made fun of his ethnicity! im mad that im sitting in detention for standing up for bruce with my fist!

i need bruce here. im nothing without him. hell, i'd probably be in jail right now if it wasn't for him. it's not like i entirely miss bruce, i can take care of myself. i'm not a baby.

3rd person POV

after a whole minute of debating, vance decided to go over to bruce's house. going to the grab n go when he got out of school. instead of taking a kids money, he used his own to buy bruce a bunch of his favorite stuff.

vance ran into no altercations on his way to bruce's, which was honestly strange for him. one he got there, he perked up through bruce's window. the curtains were closed.

bruce never closes his curtains.

vance groaned and hopped down from the tree and went to the front door. he rung the bell and waited for someone to answer. bruce's mom came to the door and looked at vance excitedly.

"vance honey, i'd love to invite you in, but-"
before she could finish, vance had darted up the stairs and to bruce's room.

praying to the gods his door was unlocked, he was thrilled when he almost fell through the door when it opened. he collapsed forward and sighed to himself.

he wouldn't have to break his door down.

vance popped up and closed the door, locking it. turning back around he looked back to see his baby curled up on the bed.

"bruceyyyyy babyyyy..." vance soothed out, tip toeing towards the bundle. when bruce didn't get up or move, vance became confused. was bruce okay?

he decided to find out, gently taking bruce's shoulder and turning his body around to face him. vance gasped at bruce's state.

bruce's once tan gorgeous skin was sickly pale, his eyes had dark, heavy bags hanging from them. the bags weighed his eyes, making them droop and hooded. the burnettes lips were chapped, sweat decorating his entire face. his chest was heaving up and down as if he was struggling for air.

vance took a few steps back, horrified by how dead and lifeless someone could look, but yet fighting for energy and to breathe.

"i-i know....i d-dont....look g-good van-" bruce exasperated put, coughing halfway through. talking was so hard for him right now. bruce hated having vance see him like this.

usually vance would always go to bruce with problems and the brunette would let vance cuddle it out with him. but for vance to see him fighting for life? unheard of.

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