/𝘎𝘺𝘮 𝘙𝘢𝘵𝘴/

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this one is in honor of me getting abs for one day😋

fluff (both boys are 17, vance is older by a few months)


the sun had barely even shown, but the boys were already up.

bruce was woken up by the seeping sun into his apartment. whining in annoyance, he turned around to face the door, only to feel the bed dip and a body lay beside him. "morning sleepy head." vance whispered smiling.

he loved his angel to bits, but damn was he not a morning person. vance couldn't help but let his smile grow wider when bruce shoved his face into the pillow and let out a strangle of noises.

"but i don't wannaaaaaa!!" bruce dragged out the 'a' and honestly sounded like a child. the older lightly chuckled and wrapped his body around his whining soulmate. dragging him out of bed, he easily overpowered bruce.

"cmon bruce it's workout day." vance thought this was enough to get him rolling out of bed. but it wasn't. bruce didn't really care enough right now to work out, he only cared about sleeping in. vance honestly didn't blame him, since he went rather rough on the boy last night.

vance stood there for a few minutes trying to rack his brain for something. and then it hit him. "hey bruce, if you get up right now, we'll go to Starbucks before going to the gym." bruce's head shot up so fast he almost knocked vance right in the forehead.

"I WANT STARBUCKS!!" bruce screamed, jumping out of the bed to go get his workout clothes on. he put on his favorite black nike dri-FIT long sleeve, along with a pair of nike spandex shorts. he didn't really debate his choice of clothing until he came out of the bathroom and saw vance's facial expression.

vance's face was red and his jaw hung open. he looked so funny but cute at the same time. bruce realized his outfit but instead of changing, he walked right up to vance and put his arms around his neck. "you like my outfit vancey?"

this seemed to snap vance out of his trance (HAHA YALL SEE WHAT I DID THERE) and grinned. "baby you look so sexy.." just when vance was about to make things interesting for them, bruce pulled away. "no sir, you had allll last night. it's not my fault you're horny 24/7."

vance pouted like a child, restraining himself from moving his hands from bruce's waist to his ass. he'd definitely have to get bruce back for that one later.

bruce rushed vance to grab their already packed gym bags and head out the door. their apartment complex had a bunch of different stores and café's in the lobby. the complex was quite luxurious, having its own personal pool only for residents and a private spa. but the main reason the brance couple visited the places often was for its gym.

the gym was fairly large and only people who lived in the complex could access it with a key card. the two took the elevator downstairs and headed straight for starbucks. since it was early in the morning not very many people were out yet. but there were still some who had to get up early for work.

bruce walked right up to the barista and ordered a frappe, one of his favorites. vance ordered black coffee, but he didn't plan on drinking it until later. the coffee would make his stomach sick when he worked out.

the two sat down at a table and chatted while they waited. bruce talked about his ballet practices, the class preparing to put on a show. vance talked about his upcoming boxing matches, his opponent is supposed to be someone really good.

for about 5 minutes the couple spoke their busy schedules until the barista called their names to get the drinks. bruce and vance walked out and headed to the gym. taking out their key cards, the door automatically unlocked and opened for them.

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now