/𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴/

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anyways i'm trying to post as often as i can, dance and cheer take up a-lot of my time.


(it's 1978 and their both 16)


bruce's POV

i was beyond excited for my game today.

my boyfriend was supposed to be coming to watch my game, and then we'd go out on a date. i was really nervous to begin with though. all this worrying about doing good for vance made me not realize my mom yelling at me.

"bruce honey, let's go!!!! you don't want to be late." i could hear my mom warn from the bottom of the stairs. i quickly grabbed my bag and hat, taking one last check to see if i got everything.

i ran downstairs and out the door to catch my moms car, getting in and setting my stuff down between my legs. the radio was playing some boring classical music, so i turned the station and stayin alive came on. i loved that song so i started singing along with it and tapping my thighs. as soon as the song finished, our car had parked at the baseball field and i was ready to go.

3rd person POV

bruce hopped out of the car and ran to his teammates, leaving his mom nagging behind him to take his own stuff. his team was huddled up in their dugout with water bottles on their foreheads talking. today was very hot out, so bruce couldn't really blame them. the team waited for their other teammates and the opponents to arrive.

once the game started, it was a close tie. when bruce came up to bat, he saw he was up against the best pitcher on the other team, finney blake. the two made eye contact as the umpire called for them to begin. finney lifted the ball and threw it to the batter. bruce swung his bat, only for it to miss and be caught by the umpire.

"STRIKE ONE!" bruce became agitated with himself for missing. he never misses. finney was tossed back the ball as he got ready to pitch for the second time. bruce angled his bat up high to get a good swing in, but the ball was too fast for him.

he hit the ground with his bat, anger building up inside him now. he looked around and met eyes with a familiar persons in the stands.


vance smirked when they made eye contact, raising his eyebrow. "well, aren't you gonna hit the ball idiot?" bruce could hear vance say, even if he didn't say it out loud. bruce turned back to the pitcher and took a deep breath. knowing his secret boyfriend was here gave him that rush of confidence to do good. finney smiled at bruce and raised the ball once again to throw to it.

bruce swung his bat as hard as he could. the bat collided with the ball, sending it high and over the fence. everyone cheered as bruce ran his home run, a huge smile plastering his face. bruce immediately searched for vance and smiled even brighter when he saw the other looking at him.

vance isn't much of a smiler and emotional, but when it comes to bruce all he can do is smile.

bruce sprinted the last stretch to the base and hopped onto it. the umpire yelled "HES SAFE!" the crowd went crazy once again. bruce's coach and teammates gathered around him and chanted his name.

the boy felt so happy as his teammates lifted him up and kept chanting his name.


the home run bruce made was the winning points for their team, so it ended the game. everyone started packing up their things and went home, finney and bruce hanging back for a minute.

finney went to shake bruce's hand, bruce gave him a high-five instead. "your arm is mint, you almost had me." bruce said with a smile on his face. finney stood there with a grin and nodded his head. the two parted ways, finney staying to test out a rocket he made. bruce walked over to vance, who was smoking a cigarette under the bleachers.

"hey baby, you did good out there today." vance said when bruce came close to him. he grabbed the shorter and snaked his arms tightly around his waist. bruce giggled at his actions and wrapped his arms around vance's broad shoulders. playing with his curly hair, bruce asked, "is our date still on mr. pinball?"

"of course baby, i wouldn't spend my Saturday any other way." bruce always loved how sweet and gentle vance was with him. everyone was scared of vance because he was a "juvenile delinquent" and always scared kids up for fun.

but bruce saw right through all that. he walked up to vance and started talking to him right away. he had a few classes with vance at school so he'd always try to sit next to him, and even at lunch too. at first vance wanted to beat bruce up, but then he realized this was his only friend other than robin and he didn't want to pass up someone as cute as bruce.

the two hung out all the time, and eventually feelings started to grow. on one fateful valentine's day, vance got the balls to ask bruce to be his boyfriend. obviously bruce said yes or we wouldn't be here today.

bruce and vance began walking to wherever their feet took them. they didn't have an exact plan on what to do on the date. eventually, bruce spotted an ice cream shop that recently opened. his mom and him didn't have the chance to go, but this was the perfect opportunity.

to eat ice cream with his boyfriend.

bruce made heart eyes at all the different flavors they had showcased, but ended up picking vanilla. vance watched his baby decide on just vanilla and got some chocolate ice cream instead.

(if you've seen the live then yk yk)

vance paid for their ice creams, bruce whining in complaint. he didn't like when people paid for his stuff. people started to stare at the two, wondering why a golden child like bruce was doing with someone like vance. the blonde noticed the growing number of stares and led bruce out of the shop quickly.

the two began to walk once again, trying not to get the sticky ice cream from dripping onto their hands. like every cliché movie couple, the boys ended up at a park.

bruce held onto vance's collar when he saw the glint in the olders eyes. he wanted to go terrorize those children st the playground. the two sat down at a bench in a secluded area. they hoped no one would be around to see them.

vance sat down first, but when bruce went to sit down beside him, he pulled the shorter onto his lap. the back of bruce's was now fully exposed to vance, and vance took his chance.

he began to kiss it, and over time started leaving small hickies. vance didn't want them to be too noticeable, but he just couldn't help it. the way bruce squirmed and whimpered on his lap made him want to cover the boy in love bruises.

"...ngh vance- AH!.... we need to s-stop before someone f-finds us..." bruce tried to focus on his words, but was distracted by the most sensitive part on his body being abused. "okay then baby, but i don't see you stopping me." vance pointed out.

bruce sucked in his bottom lip harshly. vance was right, if bruce really wanted him to stop he'd do so. vance ran his hands over bruce's clothed thighs, making bruce's breath hitch.

the blonde boy stopped after awhile, knowing that if they continued they would definitely get caught. letting bruce sit down next to him, vance turned his head to admire his baby. bruce's chest heaved up and down with erratic patterns. his eyes were hooded and his mouth hung open.

he looked stunning.

vance put his arm around his boy and scooted closer, letting bruce rest his head on his shoulder.

"i love you bruce."

"i.... i love you too pinhead."

"what did you just say to me?"

"i love you vance<3"

"that's what i thought."


i was determined to finish this today and i like it so far, please give me recommendations and requests im always open:)

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now