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ok so this one is flirty (like me) obviously💀

anyways i was gonna do a sad asf angst but then this popped into my head, so i think i'll save all my trauma for another one.

i took off my acrylic nails so now i have nubs with bendable nails so it's bothering me AND their sore.

like i said i'm trying to update as much as i can, i love seeing your guys requests and i am happy to take them!!🫶🏼

(ages are 16, let's make it modern AU)


the cold winter was biting at bruce's nose as he skipped down the walkway.

denver winters were always frigid, freezing everything it could most of the time. bruce didn't mind though. he loved wearing his cute knitted sweaters with tight jeans, not to mention doing a cozy makeup look all the time.

students are already seen at this hour, about 20 minutes before the bell rings. when bruce struts up the concrete stairs, all eyes are on him.

being one of the openly gay boys at his school; who also isn't afraid to wear clothes he likes, got him a lot of attention.

most of the attention is good though, taking selfies with the girlies and them always having his back. the only people who don't like "people like him" are the ugly homophobes who aren't even popular.

a lot of the people are nice and accepting though, since the haters need grow up and stop being old fashion prudes.

as he strutted, whistles were thrown his way. bruce took off his shades (that were more for aesthetic purposes) and looked around.

a group of boys his age were leaning against the brick walls of the school, smoking. he knew all of them, they were in a few of his classes.

"you look good today bruce, what's the special occasion?" the burnette boys asked. his gaze traveling down the others body. bruce tilted his head and smiled. "i'm going to fuck your dad, you'll be having a new stepdad." he winked.

one of the boys one broke out into a fit of laughter at his friend being told off. the brunettes eyes turned to fire, beginning to take wide steps towards bruce. suddenly a strong arm stoped him.

"don't you dare touch him, moose." vance's cold voice pierced his soul. the other backed away and continued to smoke his cigarette.

vance approached bruce and glanced back to his friends. "i'll see you guys later, me and bruce have to work on a science project."

bruce let out a giggle when the two got far enough away, making vance look at him. "what's so funny?" bruce smiled. "science project- like you ever do anything with school."

vance shrugged and put his arm around bruce's back. "i'd become a straight a student for you anytime of the day." the shorters face turned pink at the flirting.

the two spent the rest of their morning talking, before going to their separate classes. they even met for lunch.

over the next few days the boys hung out more often, feeling comfortable in each other's presence.

bruce didn't mind vance's heavy flirting, it made him have butterflies all the time. but of course nothing can stay forever.

vance was caught making out with his apparent ex in a hallway.

bruce's eyes watered, his hands clutching the paper that gave him the news. he couldn't believe it. all the time he spent with vance, laughing at his horrible jokes, letting him copy his homework, falling for him.

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