/ 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘍𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭/

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this one is just a fun lil fluffy one. based of the music festivals here in the US😋

(they are both 18)

the warm summer day was full of noise. little kids at the playground, parents at work and teen's starting work. but not bruce.

bruce was applying glitter to his cheek and collar bones to make them glow. fluffing his sparkled hair with recently added silver frosted tips on the ends.

his makeup consisted of light silver on the eyelids with fake diamonds glued to the corner of his eye outlining his eyeliner. taking one of his sticks, he contoured his nose and blended it in. adding a little bit of blush along the way with a last touch of lip gloss.

just then, the door bell rang. bruce finished up his look and went to open the door. as he opened the door, he giggled at the look on vance's face shaming from smug to blushing mess.

"b-bruce?! you're wearing THAT to the music festival?! but it...." vance's words failed him as he stood dumbfounded. "hey baby... this is more like a rave too... lots of us will be dressed like this." bruce explained to his boyfriend.

giving him time, vance eventually let his horny king of the world persona take over again, stepping into the house, not worried if his parents see, pushed bruce up against the wall.

"you look so sexy baby... it makes me just want to devour you." vance had never seen bruce wear something like this let alone a boy wear something so revealing.

bruce could read vance's face and tell he's confused on why bruce is wearing girl clothes. "vance, clothes don't have genders. not everyone wants to admit it, but, they don't specify to only one gender." he explained, wrapping his arms around vance's neck.

"right.... sorry. all i've ever known is girls wear this and boys wear that, no sharing." vance smiled sheepishly as he checked his boyfriend out. bruce giggled again when vance made it painfully obvious he was looking.

"god you're so cute vancey." bruce grabbed vance's cheeks and squished them, causing his face to mush up like a baby's. "baby i told you stop calling me that," vance whined loudly, extremely embarrassed even though no one is around.

pulling out his phone, bruce looked at the clock and saw they only had an hour to get to the festival. it had started yesterday, but he wanted to wait until his diamond choker was shipped in. grabbing his wallet, shoes, and extra glitter makeup.

he took vance's karget hands and guided him back out the house, locking the door on his way. vance took the hint and started leading his boyfriend out to the car. letting the door be opened for him, bruce let out his habitable giggle and sat down in the warm leather interior.

"babe i can never get over how nice your car is." bruce whispered out. he ran his hand over the dashboard admiringly. Vance always took good care of his car, always cleaning it and buying new polish or car seats. it was one of his proudest possessions.

other than bruce.

"the cars almost as sexy as it's driver." vance leaned over. bruce internally smacked himself and leaned over to vance, mirror matching him. bruce always likes to return the favor when vance got sassy or sarcastic with him. but especially when vance was doing his sexy talk to him.

both boys just stayed there, time frozen just for them. leaning in vance took bruce's throat in his hold and forced him in. not fighting it, bruce closed his eyes and waited for his lips to meet the olders.

the kiss was fast and hungry, the two of them in their own little world together. the windows were tinted so they didn't have to worry about people seeing in. breaking away to catch their breath, the two stared into each other's eyes.

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now