/ 𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘴/

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this one may or may not make people angry🫢


(both boys are 16, 1980s)


"he beat up some little kids for no reason." 

"his parents hate him."

"he was disowned because his parents could control him."

"he's unpredictable and a waste of time."

bruce had heard all of these many times. he often watched the blonde storm through the hallways, but never going to class. he just wandered aimlessly around the building. but if you really wanted to find him, just go to the abandoned bathroom. he'd be smoking in there.

the brunette knew that vance was bad news. everyone knew. but that didn't stop him from admiring the older from afar. oh how badly he wanted to talk to vance, to befriend him.

but it would never happen.

bruce was on the shorter side, but with a good amount of muscle. he worked out, but only to keep himself slim. he was also a star student, excelling above his classmates and in baseball as-well .

vance picked on kids like him.

but vance never bothered bruce, no matter how may of the youngers friends he fought. but he never looked at him either. the boy would give anything for vance to just even glance at him.


"hey bruce!" a usually bright finney sat down next to him. the boys were at lunch, excited for the day to be over and the weekend to start.

bruce bit into his cheeseburger and looked up. "oh, hey finn! and luck with arellano?" bruce wiggled his eyebrows. his best friends face turned completely red. nobody but bruce, donna, and gwen knew about his crush on robin.

"shhhh!! what did i tell you yamada?!" finney tried his best to quiet his best friend, who was making kissing noises and faces. after a few seconds of teasing, bruce decided that he had tortured finney enough.

the two said their goodbyes and departed. bruce headed to his favortie class. english and literature. he loved to write stories, and just write in general-

"watch where you're going fucktard."

bruce realized he wasn't paying attention to where he was going, and fell flat on his ass. he looked up to see what he ran into. fuck.

it was vance hopper.

"o-oh uh sorry....." bruce was surprised when vance extended a hand for him to raise up on. the boy on the floor gently took hold of it, slightly liking the way it was so warm and big compared to his.

vance must have not known his own strength, because he yanked bruce up so fast the boy felt his arm almost pop out of socket. "my bad...." the blonde trailed off. bruce smiled and nodded.

"oh it's no big deal, i should have been watching where i was going." bruce exclaimed. holy fuck his crush was standing here talking to him.

the atmosphere quickly became awkward, both boys wondering what to say or to just walk away. they stood frozen in their spots for a good two minutes before vance spoke.

"wanna ditch school? got a sweet hangout place wd can go to smoke." he held a thumbs-up sign to the door, signaling he was going to leave. bruce's face went red. "yeah i'd love to! but i don't smoke....sorry."

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now