/𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘉𝘰𝘺/

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this one is a little steamy but no smut yet. the boys are both 16.


bruce was excited.

he was finally going to go to his boyfriends house. the older had been gone on vacation for a few weeks to well.... juvie. vance had broken into a store and when caught, beat up a cop.

the troubled teen had just gotten home from the airport, and bruce couldn't wait to see him. he missed vance so much.

so much....

bruce drove faster towards the boys house, excitement taking over and not caring about the speed limit like he normally would. the boy swerved up to his driveway and jumped out of the car to nock loudly on the door.

vance's parents were at work, so the two shouldn't be interrupted. bruce waited patiently until he heard grumbling and mumbles coming from behind the door and smiled. yep it was vance.

but just because it sounded like him doesn't mean it was. a very tall and muscular man opened the door, he had blonde curly hair and an undercut. his curly hair was well kept and in a man bun, and in a nike hoodie and sweatpants.

bruce froze as soon as the icy blue eyes met his own. 'holy shit he's hot!!!' bruce snapped out of his thoughts when x-large hands were clapping in front of his face.

"bruce? hey? do you not recognize me?" vance looked down at him with a hit of sadness in his voice. it was only a few weeks, sure he had grown and his voice got deeper and he tried a new style of hair. but did he really change that much to where his boyfriend didn't even recognize him??

"oh! sorry vance... it's just.... you look so-"
bruce lowered his eyes and looked back up with a sultry look in his hooded eyes. "so damn hot..."

vance could only smirk and take the younger in his arms, wrapping his arms around his thin waist and the other taking his neck and shoulders. "oh do i? well why don't you should me how much you missed me pretty boy. i was so lonely with no one to entertain me in prison."

bruce just grinned and kissed him. the kids started out normal and sweet, but vance became hungry for more of his boyfriend. he missed his lips, his face, his legs, his arms, his hair, his eyes, his personality, his ass. vance let his hands travel down his lower back to his hips, all the way to his ass to give it a good squeeze. he decided enough was enough of sweet time.

before vance could take control, bruce but his bottom lip causing him to gasp slightly, but enough to get his tongue in. they fought for dominance, bruce putting up a good fight for once. he just wanted to tease vance, one thing the older loved was to always be in control, no matter what it is.

vance saw right through the boys plan and back him quickly up to the wall, making him hit is back hard. bruce widened his eyes and let out a breath from getting the wind slightly nicked out of him, but that opportunity gave the blonde boy the chance take back his rightful dominance.

having used to being bottom, bruce just went with it, jumping up and wrapping his legs around vance's torso. vance held him up by his thighs and ass, but mainly his ass. he didn't wanna let go of it just yet. the two made their way to vance's room, slowly discarding their shirts until they were both bare on top and in bed.

vance began to move lower down to bruce's fresh skin. vance loved bruce's tan soft skin more than anything. how easily he could bruise it and turn the boy into a work of art. as vance worked wonders with his mouth, bruce began to let out small airy moans. his neck was his weakness.

vance knew that more than anyone.

the blonde boy decided now was the time to let his awaiting hands roam the brunette's body. from his sexy collarbones to his strangely thick thighs, the large hands grabbed all it could reach. bruce moaned even louder now, being touched was another one if his weaknesses.

vance decided to up it a notch and moved down to his nipples. starting to suck on one, bruce arched his back and moaned the loudest he has today, covering his mouth quickly after. vance immediately looked please by the moan of defeat but frowned once he heard him cover his mouth.

getting up from in between Bruce's legs, vance grabbed his throat and applied pressure. "i told you not to cover your fucking mouth. you know i want to hear you being a needy bitch for me." vance spit venom out of his mouth. bruce could only nod, absolutely loving the feeling of vance choking him again.

vance scoffed, "you know i want words from you princess, speak to me." bruce retreated his hand from his mouth and whispered, "i'm sorry vance.... i promise it won't happen again. i'll be as loud as you want me."

the older smirked in victory. "i knew you'd listen to your owner. now be a good slut and i'll make you feel real good..." vance dipped his head back down onto the boys nipples, not breaking eye contact.

using pillows, bruce perched his head up so he could get a better vision. it was only then that he noticed.

mirrors were everywhere.

the ceiling had one, every corner of the room, one in-front of the bed, one behind the door. 'you horny little bastard.' bruce rolled his eyes but quickly moaned out. looking down, he saw one thing that made him want to just let go right there. vance's man bun in a tussle, his eyes hooded. the older was in between bruce's spread legs again, only father down. he held his tongue out with a new piercing on it.

"like what you see princess?" vance asked as he saw his affect on bruce by only being in this position. bruce looked absolutely gorgeous right now. his hair a mess and sprawled out, chest heaving up and down erratically. his hands going into vance's curly hair with his shirt hanging on him only by his elbows. and not to mentions his pink face. how cute.

vance once again did his infamous side smirk and dove back in, closing in like a snake to his lovers sensitive buds. pulling his long muscular thighs up and out, pretty much bending him in a middle split. "god damn princess you're so flexible."

bruce moaned at the rough treatment and the raspy deep voice. "it's a gift, i put it to good use." their eyes met and vance smiled once again. "fuck yeah you do."

the boy went back to doing his task, wreaking his pretty boy. sucking on his nipples a little harsher this time, bruce grabbed a fist full of vance's hair and whimpered. deciding one had finally had enough, he moved on to the second one. this time bruce felt like he was in cloud 9.

vance was good at a lot of things, but one of his best features was he knew how to please. he knew all of bruce's sweet spots and what he liked and how he wanted it.

of course he wanted it rough.

the fun was amazing, but the tallers parents would be back soon. the two lovebirds had to wrap it up. "v-vance.... we have to s-stop." bruce found the resistance to pull away. vance looked up at the younger with a hint of desperation finally tearing through his tough facade.

bruce smirked deviously at the look in vance's eyes, tugging up by his hair to meet lips. another kink vance had was getting is hair pulled, something both him and bruce had in common.

"vance i'm sorry... but we can always continue later." vance sighed in defeat, getting off of bruce and laying beside him. bruce smiled at his actions when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and pulling to the owners chest. "i miss holding you like this." vance whispered into the boys neck.

"i miss it too," bruce mumbled, back facing vance as they cuddled closer. bruce leaned back and opened his neck to let vance leave slow kisses.

"i missed you so much pretty boy."

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now