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i saw a poly one with bruce, finney, robin, and vance and was like, hey that would be cute. so here we are. (if you don't like it then you're more than welcome to skip.) bruce is going to be our main lil twink😋

all of the boys are 17 except for bruce, he's 16 and turning 17 in a few weeks cause i said so:)) 1980s


you weren't supposed to feel this way to your friend.

it was one thing to feel this way for someone, but three people at the same time?! god bruce might as well slap yourself silly.

"hey bruce." the brunettes thoughts were interrupted by a pair of arms going around his waist. flinching a little, bruce turned around to face the person.

"hi finney!" bruce's face heated slightly at the name coming from his lips. finney smirked and hugged him tighter. "ready for school today?" the shorter sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "no not really, i'll have to be the welcome party to this new student named donna."

finneys hands unravel from his waist, now walking beside him. "new student huh? don't kill her with your charm." the taller nudged bruce. the boy let out a small chuckle, shoving him back slightly. "oh cmon finn, you know i don't have a face that pretty."

'if only you knew.'

"finney?" bruce asked the older. the curly haired boy was zoned out into space, unaware of the younger talking to him. "FINNEY!" he snapped out of it and looked down to see bruce in-front of him, waving his hands in his face. he foudn it so amusing.

"my bad brucey." he ruffled bruce's hair, walking to his class. "i'll see you later." bruce stood there, dumbfounded. 'maybe he didn't notice my stupid pink face.' the teen crouched next to his locker, breathing slowly.

"bruce?" the boy cursed himself both mentall and physically. 'why were people sneaking up and scaring him?!' turning to the side, he came face to face with his other crush.

"oh, hi robin. what are you doing here?" the boy shrugged, tightening his bandana on his head. "math was getting too hard today, so i slipped out when the teacher turned his back to me." bruce let out a small giggle. "sneaky."

"it's what i do best babe." robin winked at him. bruce's face immediately went red. 'god the chokehold this boy hand on him.' robin noticed his sudden frozen expression. "you good bruce?"

"-oh my bad sorry rob!" bruce assured the older. robin looked skeptically at him, one eyebrow raised. "are you sure-" "shit robin the principal is coming!" the brunette shoved the taller into the bathroom next to them, turning around just in time for the principal to approach him.

"good morning mr.yamada, did you forget your appointment with mrs.donna?" a wave of anxiety crashed over bruce. "no sir i'm sorry i got-" he looked at the shut door of the bathroom. "-occupied."

the principal smiled, taking his word. "it's quite alright son, let's go." he patted bruce's shoulder. the principal led the boy towards his office, unaware that robin was listening.

robin POV

god bruce was so cute. i have to talk to finn about this. the love i have for him is just too much. we need to tell him how we feel. i talked to finn about it already, just convincing vance is the hard part. or if bruce even likes all three of us.

third person POV

"mrs.donna?" the principal called. bruce stood next to him, nervous as hell. a girl just a tad bit shorter than me entered the hallway. she had black hair and black eyes. bruce had to admit she was stunning.

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