/ 𝘐 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶 /

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here is another request by one of my lovely reader!!

(1978, vance:16 bruce: 15)


the sound of cheers echoed through bruce's ears.

his team was against their rivals, and it was pretty tight. bruce's team was down by two points. it was now in the last quarter, and the coach put bruce in to bat, hoping he'd score the winning point.

when bruce stepped onto the field, all he could head were chants, but not just any regular game chants. chants yelling his name.

"let's do this." bruce breathed in and out, scanning the stadium once again. 'stop doing that, it will distract you.' the boy shook his head to drown out the cheers.

concentrate! concentrate! concentrate!

the pitcher raised his glove, ball in hand, and threw it bruce's direction. the batter swung, but missed. "STRIKE ONE!" the umpire called. bruce huffed and hit his bat on the ground.

by now the crowd was antsy, bruce would have struck already. the umpire threw the ball back to the pitcher and got in position. bruce followed suit, scanning the crowd one more time. and then he saw it.

a head of fluffy blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

bruce felt a smile paint his lips. his secret boyfriend had come to his game, even when he said he had a family problem. but the brunette didn't have time to gloat on that.

the pitcher nodded his head, signaling he was about to throw. bruce got low, bat up high. the ball was pitched at him, almost in slow motion. but it shot right past him.

"STRIKE TWO!" the umpire calls again. the crowd goes crazy. what on earth was wrong with bruce today? the boy seemed to be asking himself that too. 'get your fucking head in the game bruce.' he mentally scolds himself.

bruce looked out into the pit of people. most were chanting his name, and some were saying 'boo' for not getting a hit the first two tries. like he usually does.

but he ignored everyone's chatter, only one person out there's opinion mattered to him. and that was vance. the blonde was already looking at bruce when their eyes met. he leaned against the side pole, away from everybody.

vance's expression made bruce's knees feel weak. he had on a sly smirk, but the rest of his face was blank. it was that one face that just made bruce's spine tingle.

he knew it was for him to get his act together.

bruce watched the older carefully when he spoke. "home run. now." was the only thing the blonde said. bruce turned his attention back to the picture when break was over.

"this is your last chance yamada, don't fuck it up." he whispered to himself. the pitcher raised his glove, and threw the ball. it was a perfect pitch, fast and smooth. but not fast enough to stop bruce.

the wooden bat cracked dead-on with the ball, sending it flying. everyone's eyes were on the ball, watching it soar through the air, and land far beyond the outfield. the crowd went crazy, and so did bruce's team.

bruce watched with starstruck eyes as the ball kept on going. "GO YAMADA GO!" the crowd roared with the chant. bruce snapped out of his trance and tan as fast as he could.

1st base.

2nd base.

3rd base.

"HES SAFE!" the umpire called when bruce touched home plate. he looked at the opposing team, who stood there looking defeated. which they technically were defeated.

suddenly a heavy weight tackled bruce to the ground. everyone stood in shock. bruce gasped and looked up to the culprit. "vance hopper what on earth-" the boy tried to scold him but was stopped.

vance was kissing him.

in-front of everyone! everyone's mouth were agape with surprise. bruce was a boy kisser? as if on que, donna and gwen started cheering. most people followed in suit, but others were still in shock.

neither matter though, because bruce and vance were in their own little world. together. "god i love you so fucking much." vance breathed out, kissing his boyfriends neck.

bruce blushed and tried to pull him off of his sensitive area. "v-vance! the crowd doesn't need to see this!" he tried to plead with his boyfriend. he secretly loved it, but he was too embarrassed for all of his peers to see him be so "submissive".

vance smirked, getting off of him. "fine fine, you win." the two stood up, but vance snaked his hands to bruce's waist. "but im not finished with you yet."

the brunette rolled his eyes and smiled. "you horny bitch." "it's what i do best!" the two made their way over to the dugout, vance parting ways to get his stuff from the bleachers.

as soon as bruce walked up to his friends, they tackled him once again and lifted the into the air. bruce felt he was on cloud 9. all of this niceness even after he was openly showing his gay side.

"BRUCE BRUCE BRUCE!!!" his teammates chanted, hoisting the smiling brunette up and down in the air. he had never felt so lucky, nor had he felt so appreciated.


the game had concluded, the boys scattering away with their friends and girlfriends, and the parents going about their grocery shopping.

bruce was grabbing his bags when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his hips. "hey babe~" he shivered as the person tightened their grip. "v-vance...." the brunette trailed off. "now that we're alone.... i have you all to myself." vance began to slowly kiss the neck of his beloved.

they stayed like that for a few minutes, vance kissing the boys neck and bruce letting out shallow pants. "vance.... not here-" he pleaded with his boyfriend. vance sighed dramatically, letting go of him and smirking at his state.

bruce's face was flushed with pink, slightly trembling from their encounter. even when the shorter was pink, vance could never get over how beautiful his boy was. and that he could call him his.

"let's go you big baby." vance chuckled, grabbing the backpack and leading bruce out. "how many times to i have to say, let me carry my stuff!" bruce whined. he hated when vance did nice things for him, only because his mother told him to be an independent bad bitch.

the two walked down the street in peace, just admiring the scenery. well, more like vance and bruce admiring each other. the two stole glances at one another any chance they got.

vance inched closed to bruce as they walked, slinging an arm loosely around the stalkers waist. bruce took the invitation and scooted closer, soon he was side flushed into his boyfriend. the blonde rested his head on bruce's.

"i love you bruce, you're so amazing."

"are you saying that only because i won us the tournament?!"


and they lived happily ever after<3

whew! i'm trying to juggle these new books with this one and updating regularly, and i'm sorta on a writers block.



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