/𝘉𝘢𝘥 𝘏𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘴/

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this one is pretty fun i love it

inspired by the song bad habits by steve lacy


the autumn air was colder than normal.

the classrooms felt just as cold on the inside though. bruce shivered as he draped his hoodie closer to his bare skin, wishing he had worn a shirt under his hoodie.

when the weather got like this, he always forgot to keep himself warm. he was just too focused on making sure vance was taken care of.

you could say it was one of bruce's bad habits.

vance on the other hand, had some habits himself. like staring at bruce all day. analyzing what he does, how he does it. what emotions are being shown even if his face is blank. his body language when he's happy or upset. and his habits.

bruce tended to play with his fingers when he got nervous. when bruce was angry he'd go on long walks or go bat. but his worst habit was scratching his arms or thighs.

he normally only did this when he was worried, or stressed. but lately he's been doing it so much. and he hasn't even noticed it.

rain started to suddenly pour outside, making bruce even more anxious. he didn't like storms, and if there was one he was always near his family. but that never seemed to help.

thinking about his family made his mind race even more, not paying attention to the bell that signaled it was time to go to intervention. it was a free 30 minutes bruce could have before going home.

he strained his eyes on the window until someone tapped him on the shoulder. bruce whipped his head around so fast he almost knocked into the person tapping him.

it was vance.

"hey are you okay?" vance wanted to bang his head on the wall for how nice he sounded. bruce looked up at him and gave a weary smile. "oh it's just you vance, yeah i'll-" just as he was about to finish his sentance, a crack of light night shot across the sky. bruce started to scratch his thighs through his jeans.

vance took notice of this and grabbed his hands. "stop it, you're hurting yourself." the burnette stood up shocked. vance quickly let go and stumbled back, eyes shot and face beet red.

"i-i uh.... i'm sorry bruce..." vance bowed his head in shame, too afraid to look the shorter boy in the eyes.

bruce only smiled though, taking his hands back into the blondes. "don't let go, it felt nice." when vance suddenly held bruce, even if it was as simple as stopping his hands, the burnette felt like it was just them.

like that cringey shit he saw on tik tok by the discord kittens.

vance looked at him nervously. he's never held hands with someone other than the time his mom led him to kindergarten. but this felt comforting. he liked the way bruce's small warm hands heated up vance's bigger cold ones. he wanted to stay like this forever.

the two just stared at each other, no words exchanged. just the two of them in an empty class-

"HEY BRUCE YOU GOT THAT MATH WORK- oh shit they boutta fuck." finney popped into the EMPTY classroom. the lover boys quickly let go hands and turned away from each other with pink faces.

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/Where stories live. Discover now