/ 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣/

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this one has some sexual tension
(vance is 17 and bruce is 16)

i'm trying to put the POVs so let's hope i don't screw it up


bruce POV

"finney slow down!!" i yelled after him, trying
my very hardest to not trip over rocks on the alleyway. how is this kid so fast all of a sudden?

my baseball colleague had the bright idea to take me to this place in the middle of the night. our sleepover was being cut short and i was NOT having it. i whined the whole way there, my lack of sleep making me extra whiney.

"ohhh shut up bruce, robin told me about this place. plus he's supposed to be fighting tonight." finney explained weirdly happy. 'robin? fight??' i thought to myself in confusion. i didn't have enough time to even think though, because finney had already brought me to the entrance of this mysterious place.

3rd person POV

finney took his unknowing friend inside, the bouncers nodding at the two of them. only because the two were to be expected tonight.

bruce tried his best to observe everything about the big building. it was dark with led and neon lights everywhere, smelling of weed and alcohol. bruce's nose scrunched at the smells. but he secretly loved the intoxicating smell of weed.

the what seemed like a club was crowded with people. all of them looked like they'd be juvenile delinquents or bad teenagers. most of them looked around bruce's age and over. maybe he was the youngest here.

the two boys made their way deeper into the club, coming face to face with a large caged-in arena. it looked like a-

"LLADIESSS AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO THE MIDNIGHT FIGHT CLUBBBB. WEVE GOT SOME GOOD FIGHTS HERE TONIGHT SO DONT MISS IT!!" an announcer came into the arena with a microphone. people started to gather around quickly, pushing bruce and finney up to the front row.

finney shrugged and just scooted closer to the cage. bruce turned to him and shouted, "you brought me to a FIGHT CLUB?!" the other boy looked at him and giggled.

"yeah, robins fighting tonight. he's the best one here. but apparently there's this new guy in town and he's never lost a fight." finney fixed his gaze back onto the arena. bruce could tell he was searching for robin.

rolling his eyes, bruce watched the matches uninterested. none of the boys were hot, but they did have muscles. bruce liked him a man with a rally fit body.

suddenly the lights dimmed, turning on a spotlight in the middle of the now empty arena. "ALLLLRIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, HERES OUR MAIN FIGHT FOR THE NIGHT! PUT YOUR HANDS TOGETHER FOR ROBIN ARELLENOOOOOOO!!!" the announcer screamed into the microphone once agian. the huge crowd roared robins name, busting bruce's eardrums for the 100th time that night.

robin entered the arena in his fighting shorts, hands bandaged up for protection and from his previous fights. his signature bandana was tied tightly on his head, hair in man bun . bruce recognized the bandana being finneys favorite color. bruce looked at the younger boy and saw his eye fling with excitement as him and robin made eye contact. those two were smiling like idiots.


bruce finally covered his ears. this was too much for one fight. he looked back up and let his mouth hang open. there stood the hottest guy he had ever seen in his life. he had his big curly hair up in a ponytail, it accentuated his face shape so well. he had his hands bandaged up aswell, but he had more bruises and scars. even a bystander could tell he was really experienced fighter. his fighting shorts were tight, showing off his waist and my god was be jacked. not to mention his shorts showed off his big di-

bruce popped out of his little imagination and blushed like crazy. his eye wandered all over vance, unable to look at anyone like that before. finney noticed his sudden interest in the fight and leaned over. "he goes to our school, i'm pretty sure he's in some of your classes."

bruce racked his brain for who was in his classes. he surely would have noticed if a fine as fuck man as vance would be in one. 'he must be starting on Monday.' bruce concluded to himself.

the bell rings signaling the two to being the duel. they swing at each other cautiously at first, studying their moves. eventually vance got a hit in at robin, sweeping his leg under him to knock him over. robin fell to his back, pulling his hands up in defense.

vance smirked and leaned down to him, only to get kicked in the nose by feet. stumbling back, the cage caught him to stabilize himself. he touched his sensitive nose seeing blood start to trickle out of it. the ref called a time out for the two to catch their breath. turning around, vance made direct eye contact with bruce. their faces were right infront of each other.

vance had never laid eyes on someone as beautiful as bruce. his soft looking hair, his chocolate eyes, and his small but built physic. just his type. he liked the way bruce immediately started turning red when he looked at him. he'd have to ask for him later.

the bell rang again, meaning the boy's had to continue the fight.

the fight went on for quite awhile. neither of them wanting to give up or tap out. eventually, vance for the upper hand and pinned robin to the ground. getting his hand raised felt amazing. he was lucky they had cage fighting here in Colorado.

helping robin get up, they fist bumped and shook hands. going back to their rooms, the fights continued after the main course.

bruce became uninterested once again until a bouncer came over and tapped his shoulder. before bruce could utter a word, the man spoke up. "mr.hopper would like to see you in his room, follow me."

bruce looked back to finney, only to find him on the other side leaning on the wall. he was talking to robin. well, flirting technically.

bruce just rolled his eyes and followed the large man. it wasn't like he had a choice. the two walked backstage and the bouncer took him to a room with the fighters name on it. he knocked twice, but left shortly after.

the door opened to reveal a soaking wet vance, fresh out of the shower. he had a pair of grey sweatpants o-

'oh lord have mercy on my ass.'

that was the only thing bruce would think about. vance smirked when he noticed what he was looking at. pulling him in, vance shut the door and locked it. he didn't want to be interrupted.

"hey baby, can i get your name?" vance broke the tension. bruce looked up at him and turned even more pink. "i-it's uh... bruce." vance tilted his head back a little. "bruce huh? cute name for a cute boy."

bruce felt his face on fire when vance stepped closer and took his chin in his hand, lifting it up. the two stared into each other's eyes and slowly leaned in. their lips connected in a sweet kiss.

but knowing vance, the kiss didn't stay sweet. he roamed his hands from his waist to his ass, squeezing it harshly. bruce moaned into the kiss at the sudden roughness. vance took his chance and slipped his tongue in the shorter boys mouth. the older forced to two onto the couch, pinning down bruce.

bruce was panting heavily when they disconnected, a light string of saliva still keeping intact. vance did his famous smirk and took his hand to wrap tightly around bruce's throat. damn vance was just showing off all his kinks, and they so happened to be bruce's too.

vance and bruce continued to hotly make out while grinding on each other, getting slightly desperate. bruce's moans got louder as vance grunts became more prominent. the twos little session would have gone on longer if it wasn't for robin knocking on the door.

"stop fucking it's time to lock up, get your nasty asses out of here." robin scolds the two. bruce got up, flustered by the close contact. vance back up and grabbed bruce's hand.

bruce stood by the door watching vance grab all his stuff and put on a shirt. taking his keys and bag, the two walked out with vance holding bruce's waist tightly.

"so... you gonna come to more fight clubs baby?" vance asked. he hope for a yes. to see his beautiful angel would always help him win.

"of course!" bruce smiled and looked up at him.

all i can say is, he's definitely coming back.

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