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(angst and some stuffy stuff😉)

bruce is 17, vance is 18; 1990s


"be safe bruce, don't forget to lock the doors!" mrs.yamada reminded her son. she bud her final goodbyes before leaving on a girls trip for the weekend.

bruce rolled his eyes. even when he was about to head off to college, she still treated him like a baby. as to being the only child his mother ever had she was really pretentious about bruce's safety.

it was near halloween night, and bruce couldn't wait. a bunch of new slasher movies had come out. walking over to the TV, he picks out nightmare on elm street, one of his favorite classics.

as the movie played on, he went to the kitchen to make himself a bowl of popcorn and grab some candy. but on his way back, the phone started to ring.

"who the fuck is calling at this hour?" bruce groaned to himself. he snatched the phone off it's holder and waited for the other line to speak. when nothing happened, he scoffed and slammed it back down.

'stupid prank callers.' he strutted to the living room to finally enjoy his night off.


"we have reports of break-ins happening all over the upper-class suburbs of denton. please lock your doors and keep safe." a news reporter announced.

bruce had fallen asleep through his movie, but woke up to the loud sound of the tv blaring it's emergency broadcast. "cant people just leave others and their stuff alone? like it's not that hard."

he got up and walked to the kitchen, on a mission to refill his popcorn bowl. but something stopped him. the phone rang, and bruce picked it up again, groaning.

"what." the other end was silent, until a deep voice was heard through it.

"what's your favorite horror movie?"

bruce rolled his eyes. it was probably just another kid playing stupid pranks again. "leave me alone i need to eat my popcorn." he slammed the receiver down and went to the microwave.

as his sweet savior was poppin and droppin, he hoisted himself up onto the counter. bruce sat there and swung his legs, finding it quite entertaining.

beep beep beep bee-

the brunette snatched open the door and got his popcorn. but before he could even set it on the counter, the lights went out.

"what the fuck..." bruce whispered to himself. he wasn't usually a baby about the dark, but being home alone on halloween is pretty spooky. especially with the lights mysteriously going out.

bruce stayed still, afraid he'd make a sound. the house was dead silent, no sound or movement except for the wind blowing out the window. until a soft thud was heard upstairs.

when he heard that sound, bruce immediately shot to the floor. his instincts kicked in; be quiet and hide until help arrives. he slowly made his way over to the back door. he had to cross through the hallway, but he had to be quick and quiet. you could see from the upstairs balcony down to the hallway on the first floor.

sneaking past the kitchen, bruce heard his heart pounding in his ears. the house was silent yet again, but with that hatred of ringing that came with it. his breathing got slightly heavy from the anxiety. was the person gone?

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