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"Hey, guys," said Mr. Schue as he walked into the choir room. "Let's gather round. I have found my replacement. So give it up for Ms. Pillsbury."

"She's the one they made me talk to when they found out I was keeping that bird in my locker," Brittany said, turning to Juniper who laughed a little.

"So do you even know anything about music?" asked Santana.

"What's important is that she cares about you guys every bit as much as I do," said Mr. Schue. "Now, I don't know what the future holds for me and for us. But I know Saturday you're gonna make me proud. You guys are gonna be great. So, goodbye for now."

"Wait. What about our set-list?" asked Mercedes.

"I can't help you with that. You've gotta figure that out for yourselves," he said and left the room.

"Well, we have to do Proud Mary in wheelchairs," said Artie.

"And Don't Stop Believin for sure," added Finn.

"What about the ballad?" asked Juniper.

"I would be thrilled to contribute a ballad from my repertoire," said Rachel as she stood up and walked to the front of the room.

"Okay, you know what, Ms. Bossy Pants? Enough," said Mercedes walking over to Rachel with her hands on her hips. "I've worked just as hard as you and I'm just as good as you. You know, you always end up stealing the spotlight."

"Mercedes, do you honestly think you're as strong of a balladeer as I am?" asked Rachel.

"Okay, um, Rachel," said Ms. Pillsbury. "Why don't you let Mercedes give it a try?"

"Thanks Ms. P," said Mercedes with a small smile.

Rachel sat back down and Mercedes cued the band.

"Do I even need to tell you what song?" she asked Brad, the piano player. "Horns, strings, keep up."

Everyone stood up and gave Mercedes a standing ovation when the song ended. Juniper found herself speechless. She knew Mercedes was good, but she didn't know she was that good.

"Thoughts?" Mercedes asked as Rachel stood up and went over to her.

"It's clear the room adores you," said Rachel. "And although it wouldn't be my first choice, I can't wait to see you sing that song at sectionals."


Finn stormed into the choir room and tackled Puck. Juniper's eyes widened in horror as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. Brittany sensed her uneasiness and wrapped a comforting arm around the smaller girl.

"Do you really need someone to hold you every time there's a fight?" scoffed Santana. "You want everyone to think you're such a badass, but really you're just a big baby."

"Leave her alone, Santana," said Brittany. "You don't know what she's been through."

"And you do?" asked the Latina, raising a brow.

Before the blonde could answer, Mr. Schue ran into the room. 

"Hey, come on! Get off! Knock it off!" he yelled, pulling Finn off of Puck.

"Tell the truth!" yelled Finn as Mike and Matt struggled to hold him back.

"Punk just walked in and sucker punched me!" yelled Puck.

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