What The World Needs Now

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Juniper and Santana were sitting on the floor of the younger girl's room as they worked on the guest list for the wedding.

"I think that we can invite them, but I don't really think that Adele and Lady Gaga are gonna come," said Santana.

"It would be so cool if they did, though," Juniper sighed. "Oh well. We can always see if Taylor Swift is free."

"I don't think Taylor's gonna come either," the Latina chuckled. She looked down at the guest list and frowned. "Uh, why are you inviting my Abuela?"

"Because you won't, and she should be there," said the brunette.

"You know, when I was little, we used to play wedding all the time. She would give me her veil and I would wrap her shawl around me like a dress. I would march down the aisle, and she would hum the wedding march. And then she would ask me what guy I was gonna marry that day. My whole life I've dreamt of my wedding with her sitting in the front row, bawling. And believe me if I could get in her head and bring her into this century, I would, and I would forgive her and have her here. She's my abuela, you know, like, the lady with the big plate of rice and beans. But last I heard, she was on Facebook posting about her diverticulitis, trolling for sympathy."

"See, it's even more important," said Juniper. "She's sick."

"No, Juni, she can't poop," said Santana. "And I don't think that's gonna kill her. But, um, having her at my wedding means not marrying you. And I'd choose you over everyone."

"I choose you too," the younger girl said and leaned in to connect their lips.


There was a gentle knock on the bedroom door and Kurt walked in. Bear let out a small bark and Juniper looked up from her book.

"What do you want?" she asked, annoyed.

"To talk," said the older boy as he sat down next to her on the edge of the bed. "Juniper, we haven't spoken in weeks, and I feel really bad that I ruined you and Santana's proposal. And I-"

"She's the best thing in my life," Juniper interrupted. "The only good thing at times. And when you were the only one out of everyone in that choir room who didn't support me, it fucking hurt."

"I know. I wanted to apologize. You've always supported me no matter what, so for me not to support you when you need it the most is the worst thing I could ever do. I'm happy for you, Juni. And I'm sorry. And, if it's not too late... I would love to come to the wedding."

"Of course it's not too late," Juniper smiled. "And I forgive you. I don't want us to be like Santana and her abuela."

"Wait, wait, back up," said Kurt. "What's going on with Santana and her abuela?"

"She doesn't want her at the wedding."

"What? That's so sad."

"Yeah, it is. I told Brittany about it, though, and she's gonna go talk to her," said the younger girl.

"Why aren't you going to talk to her?" Kurt asked, furrowing his brows.

"Britt didn't want me killing her."

"Juni, come on, we both know you wouldn't kill her," the older boy snorted.

"I mean... I might," Juniper shrugged. "But I wouldn't. Brittany's just more likable, you know, with all her sunshine and optimism. Isn't that right, Bear?"

The frenchie let out a small woof in agreement and the two brunettes chuckled. Juniper's phone buzzed and it lit up with a text from Brittany.

auditorium, friday afternoon. don't be late or else lord tubs will track you down and drag you there himself. -- britt


When the song ended, Juniper went to stand next to Santana as Brittany helped Alma come up to the stage.

"Hi, Abuela," said the younger Latina.

"Hi," said Alma.

"You look really good. Did you lose some weight?"

"Diverticulitis," the woman mumbled. "So, you two know each other?" she asked, turning to Brittany.

"Yeah," said the blonde. "Remember when I was talking about my friend's wedding? So, that's Juniper, and Santana is her fiancée."

Santana and Juniper exchanged a look. The older girl put a protective arm around the brunette's waist, not sure how her abuela was going to react.

"So, you come into my home, treat me with kindness, lure me here, and trick me into seeing my granddaughter and hear her sing?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing," Juniper said, speaking up.

"Juni, I got this," Brittany said to the younger girl before turning back to Alma. "Santana is one of my best friends, and I would do anything for her. Even tricking a sick old woman."

"You taught me what it meant to be a strong Latina woman," said Santana. "To be bigger than the world was ever gonna give me permission to be. And I have. You taught me not just to exist because I'm worth so much more than that. And without Juni, I just exist. She's the love of my life, and I'm going to marry her. And I want to share that with you because, without your love, I think I just exist too."

"Please, please, just come to the wedding," Brittany begged.

"No," Alma said sternly. "Right it right. I love you, Santana. But I don't love your sin. Girls marry boys, not other girls."

"So, you're really not coming?" Santana asked.

"No. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you disappointed me first."

"Good," said Juniper, crossing her arms. "I'm glad your not coming. You know, The New York Times said that half the increase in support of gay marriage is due to generational turnover. That's what smart people call 'crazy, uptight bitches dying.' You lost, okay? And, honestly, the rest of us are just going about our business being normal and waiting for you not to be around. And not because you can stop us from getting married, but because you're kind of annoying."

"You let her talk to me like this?" Alma asked her granddaughter.

"Take a look," said Santana, taking Juniper's hand and lacing their fingers together. "Because this... this is what real love looks like. And I love you so much. But Juni is my family now, and if having her in my family means not having you, then... that's a trade I'll take any day."

"Suck it," said Juniper, glaring at the older woman as she walked out of the auditorium. She turned to Santana and opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off when the Latina wrapped her in a tight hug, burying her face in the crook of the younger girl's neck and gently kissing the skin there. Juniper could tell by Santana's trembling body that she was crying. "San, I-"

"I love you so much," the older girl said, cutting the brunette off.

"I love you too."

"I don't want to ruin your moment, so I'm gonna go-"

"No, Britt, get over here." Santana pulled out of the hug for a moment, keeping one arm wrapped around Juniper as she pulled Brittany into the hug too. 

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