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"Bad news, guys. Puckerman's in juvie," said Mr. Schue.

"It really was just a matter of time," said Tina.

"What did he do?" asked Quinn.

"He drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM."

"Stupidity isn't a crime, so they should just let him go now," chuckled Juniper.

"When is he getting out?" asked Rachel.


"He might be the dumbest person on this planet, and that's coming from me," laughed Brittany.

"Guys, let's have some sympathy," said Mr. Schue.

"For a guy who put his needs before the team's? We need his voice and his bad boy stage presence," Finn complained.

"We can't look at this as a crisis. It's an opportunity."

"For what? Further embarrassment and humiliation?" asked Quinn.

"For welcoming our new member, Sam Evans," said Mr. Schue.

The blonde kid Juniper insulted the first week of school walked into the choir room.

"Hey, everybody. I'm Sam," he introduced himself. "Sam I am. And I don't like green eggs and ham."

"Wow, he has no game," said Santana, turning to Brittany and Juniper.

Mr. Schue told Sam to take a seat before walking over to the board and writing "duets" on it.

"Alright, question for the group," he started. "What's a duet?"

"A blanket," responded Brittany.

"A duet is when two voices join to become one," said Mr. Schue, ignoring Brittany's comment. "Great duets are like a great marriage. The singers complement each other, push each other to be better. And that is what duets are all about. So, this week, I want you to pair up and sing a duet. And since you guys all liked our 'Defying Gravity' diva-off, I'm making this a competition."

"What does the winner get?" asked Mike.

"Dinner for two, on me... at Breadstix."

"Breadstix! Yes!"

"Oh my god, I have to win!"

"I love this idea!"


Santana and Juniper had decided on a no strings attached, friends with benefits relationship – well, Santana had decided that's what it would be. But deep down, Juniper knew she wanted something more.

"I love your sweet lady kisses," mumbled Juniper as Santana laid halfway on top of her, placing soft kisses on the girl's neck.

"Mhm," agreed Santana, sitting up a little to look at the brunette. "It's a nice break from all the scissoring," she added and went back to kissing her neck.

"Scissoring is so lame. I don't know why you like it so much."

"It feels good," whispered the Latina before biting down on Juniper's neck and soothing the pain with her tongue, getting a small moan from the younger girl.

"We should sing a duet together," said Juniper.

"Okay, first off, there's a lot of talking going on right now, and I wants to get my mack on," said Santana before moving off of Juniper and sitting on the edge of the bed and fixing her ponytail. "And second, I'm not making out with you because I'm in love with you. I'm only here because Puck's been in the slammer for about 12 hours now, and I'm like a lizard. I need something warm beneath me or I can't digest my food."

That's right, thought Juniper, sadly. She just want sex. It's never gonna be anything more than that.

"But who are you gonna sing a duet with?" asked the brunette.

"You'll see," smirked Santana.



"We need to talk."

Juniper looked up from her book and saw Quinn standing on the other side of the table from where she was sitting in the library. The burnette motioned for her to sit down.

"It's a terrible idea," said the cheerleader.

"What is?" asked Juniper, furrowing her brows in confusion.

"Your 'no strings attached' relationship with Santana."

"Um, we're not- we don't-"

"Juniper, don't," said Quinn. "Brittany told me that you told her that you and Santana are friends with benefits, and it's a terrible idea."

"It's just girls helping girls," mumbled the younger girl. "It doesn't mean anything anyway. At least not to her."

"My point exactly," said the blonde, reaching a hand out to gently touch Juniper's arm. "And that's why it's such a bad idea. Because you know you want it to be more than that."

"So what if I do?" shrugged Juniper, her eyes filling with tears. "It's not like Santana wants the same thing. She's just using me for sex and I'm stupid enough to let her do it."

Quinn stood up and motioned for the younger girl to come to the other side of the table. Juniper got up, and when she got to Quinn's side, the blonde wrapped her in a comforting hug.

"I can't tell you what you and and can't do," said Quinn as she gently rubbed Juniper's back. "All I can do is give you something to think about. You have to put yourself first, and if this relationship with Santana is gonna be too much for you to handle, you have to take it upon yourself to end things before you get hurt."

Quinn gave the girl a gentle squeeze before pulling out of the hug, keeping her hands on Juniper's arms.

"Just think about it, okay?"

Juniper nodded.

"I'll see you later," said Quinn, giving the brunette a sympathetic smile before leaving the library.


Juniper ended up not competing in the duet's competition. But, she did still want that free dinner at Breadstix, so she voted for herself. She would have voted for Mercedes and Santana, but she let jealousy get the better of her and decided against it.

"Well," began Mr. Schue after he counted the votes. "Even though it looks like everyone voted for themselves, even those who didn't compete, we do have a winner. And the winner is... by two votes... Sam and Quinn!"

"Screw that! I want my sticks!" yelled Santana, getting up.

"Let it go," said Mercedes, holding her back.

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