Original Song

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"I think we should write original songs for regionals," said Rachel.

"All those in favor of voting Rachel down again?" asked Santana

Everyone raised their hands.

"No, I think Rachel's right," said Quinn. "This team works best when we push ourselves and do something different."

"That's true," agreed Mercedes. "But if all the teams are doing amazing songs we're not gonna be so good."

"You're right. We're not gonna be as good. We're gonna be better," said Quinn. "We won't be using other people's words or music. It'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices. We have a really talented songwriter in our midst. Rachel. I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together."

"I'm with Quinn and Rachel," said Finn. "If these two can agree on something, it's probably an idea worth considering-"

"Wait," Santana interrupted. "So suddenly, you two are writing the music for regionals? No way. Everyone should get a chance to write a song."

"Santana's right. We can do this," agreed Sam.

"What do you think, Mr. Schue?" asked Mercedes.

"I think we're doing original songs for regionals."


"Hey," said Juniper as she approached Santana at her locker. "Can I ask you a question? We used to be really close and I miss being your friend."

"Still waiting for the question," said Santana impatiently.

"Did I do something wrong?" asked the younger girl.

"Look, I don't know," said the Latina, turning to the brunette. "Did you? All I know is you blew me off because you have a crush on Little Miss Celibate. It's fine. It's your loss. Cause now I get the chance to write an awesome heterosexual song about Sam that we're gonna sing at regionals."

"Wait, you're still dating Sam?" asked Juniper, disappointment in her voice. "But you told me you were in love with me."

"I honestly don't know what I was thinking," she said and walked away.


"Alright guys. Let's hear it for our first song writing seminar," said Mr. Schue and everyone clapped. "While Quinn and Rachel are hard at work, we'll try to write an anthem of our own."

"Mr. Schue, Tina and I have already been working on a song I wrote," said Santana.

"Really? That's amazing. Well, can we hear it?"

Santana and Tina stood up and went to the front of the choir room.

"This is a song that I wrote for Sam. It's called 'Trouty Mouth.'"

"Wait, what's it called?" asked Sam.

"'Trouty Mouth,'" Mike whispered to him.

"Okay, can we stop? Stop with the mouth jokes," said Sam.

"Sit down. I'm not finished," said Santana.

"Yes, you are. We're not doing a song at regionals called 'Trouty Mouth.'"

"You know what, I have to agree with Sam on this one," said Mr. Schue. "But such a good first effort. I just don't think it's got the epic feel we need for regionals."

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