Opening Night

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"I've never seen her like this," Kurt said as he came out of Rachel's room.

"I know," said Blaine. "She's usually pushing people away to get on stage."

"It's not fair that anyone can send a hateful tweet to anyone and have access to artists," said Finn.

"You know, I don't think that it's the criticism that got to her," said Mercedes. "I think it's, like, the volume of it."

"It's Twitter," Sam mumbled.

"I can't believe my note didn't work," said Tina.

"I know, it was so good," said Juniper.

The door to the loft opened and everyone turned to see Sue enter with a suitcase.

"Hello, losers," the cheer coach greeted. "Well, you live in the worst neighborhood in Brooklyn and there isn't even a lock on your door. You might wanna look into that. Unless, of course, you think the rapist is gonna just move on to the next apartment filled with nubile 19 year olds simply because your door is so damn annoying to open."

"What are you doing here?" asked Tina.

"Oh, Asian Number One, that is totally something you would say," said Sue. "I have come to watch Rachel Berry choke on her opening night."

"I heard that!" Rachel shouted from her room. "I'm right in here!"

"Sue, please," said Kurt. "Rachel is freaking out."

"Well, she should be. She's going to choke."

"I can hear you in here!"

"Oh, and to answer your question, Cheech and Chang, I'm staying here overnight because I realized when we arrived at the hotel that Will Schuester is a big old perv and has been trying to sleep with me this whole time," said Sue.

"Wait," said Juniper. "You just now realized Mr. Schue is a perv? I've known since sophomore year when he thought it would be a good idea to do Rocky Horror."

"You are not staying here," said Finn, standing up from his spot on the couch and walking over to Sue. "I can't have you anywhere near Rachel."

"No, that's fine," said the blonde woman. "I'll stay in Porcelain's room." Sue walked over to Kurt's room, ignoring the protests coming from him. "Oh, thank god there's no weird sex toys laying around."

"If you wanted weird sex toys just look in Santana and Juniper's room," Mercedes chuckled, getting an unamused look from Juniper.

"Things could not possibly get any worse," said Tina.

Juniper pulled out her phone and texted Santana to let her know what was going on.

"Look," said Sue as she came back out to the living room. "What I'm trying to say is that whenever I'm nervous about choking in front of hundreds of people, I eat a spoonful of mustard to make myself puke and I get that part over with."

The door to the loft opened and Santana came in.

"Alright, where is she?" the Latina asked. "Juni texted me in the cab, and told me what was up."

"She's been in there for hours," said Tina. "We don't know how she's peeing."

"Okay, give me four minutes."

"I will return with Grey Poupon," said Sue as she left the loft.

"What?" Santana questioned, furrowing her brows as she took off her coat and tossed it aside. She gave Juniper a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to Rachel's room. A little while later, she came back out and sat down on the couch next to her girlfriend. Juniper leaned into her and rested her head on her shoulder.

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