Swan Song

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"Give her some room. She needs space."

"Breathe, girl."

"Does anyone have anything she can eat?" asked Juniper.

"I think I have some leftover Halloween candy in my locker," said Tina.

"I may have a juice box," said Blaine.

"I'll get Marley's mom."

"This is bad. Never in the history of show choir competitions has anyone ever fainted," said Artie.

Blaine tossed Juniper a juice box and she handed it to Marley.

"No, I'm okay," said the younger brunette.

"Drink the damn juice!" snapped Kitty. Juniper furrowed her brows at her.

"Marley, are you okay?" asked Finn as he came into the room. "What happened?"

"She hasn't been eating," said Jake. "She's been skipping lunch."

"Because you've been telling her to?" Santana asked Kitty. "You trying to turn her into a damn rexie?"

"What? No," said Kitty. "Why would I-"

"Because you're a crazy, evil bitch."

"Are you alright?" asked Mr. Schue as he rushed into the room.

"The nurse is on her way, Mr. Schue," said Sam.

"Santana, Puck, you stay here with Marley," said Mr. Schue. "The rest of you, get back out there. Leaving the stage mid-competition for any reason is risking immediate disqualification."

"What? That's a rule?" asked Finn.

"Yeah, it's a rule," said Sue as she entered the choir room. "One of the bylaws actually. As all of you were spiraling into a self-created k-hole of crazy, the judges, by unanimous vote, have declared the Warblers victorious."

Juniper and Sam exchanged a defeated look. So much for this year going down as one of the best ones New Directions ever had.

"Hey, congratulations, Finn Hudson," said Sue, sarcastically. "For the first time in its charmed yet pitiful existence, the New Directions have lost sectionals. But here's the good news: Christmas came early for one Sue Sylvester."


After changing out of her sectionals dress and into leggings and a sweatshirt, Juniper headed to the choir room where she found Santana talking to Marley.

"...and just know that you can text me whenever," the Latina told the sophomore. "I know how hard these things are to deal with alone, and..." Santana trailed off when she saw Juniper.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," said the brunette. "I just wanted to see how Marley was doing. Did you eat?"

"Yeah, Santana gave me a granola bar and practically stared me down while I ate it," said the younger girl.

"I did the same thing to her last year," Juniper chuckled a little as she sat down on the other side of Marley.

"I'm really sorry I ruined sect-"

"Don't even finish that sentence," Santana interrupted. "This wasn't your fault."

"Yeah, it was that dollar store Quinn Fabray," said Juniper. "But you can't listen to anything she says, cause it's not true."

"You're beautiful, Marley," said Santana. "Don't let Kitty or anyone else ever tell you otherwise. And if you ever need anything just give me a call. Okay?"

"Okay," Marley nodded.

"Look after her, Juni."

"I will," said the older brunette.


On Monday, everyone found out that Glee Club was canceled for the rest of the year.

"So, that's it?" asked Sam. "No more Glee?"

"Until next September," confirmed Mr. Schue.

"Sugar already bailed," said Artie.

"Can I just say what everyone's thinking?" asked Tina. "This is Marley's fault."

"If you're gonna blame anyone, blame Kitty," scoffed Juniper. "She was the one who bullied Marley in the first place."

"It's not like it's over," said Finn. "There's always next year."

"What about those of us who won't have a 'next year?'" asked Sam.

All the seniors exchanged sad looks. It really was over. Forever.


Juniper's urges to drink grew stronger with the events of the last couple days, but instead of getting into Burt and Carole's liquor cabinet or sneaking off to a bar, the brunette decided it would be best for her to go over to Brittany's.

"I'm so glad you came here," said the blonde as Juniper cuddled next to her on the bed.

"Better than relapsing again," said the younger girl. "I really do want to get better, but it's so hard. Especially when shit like this happens."

"Just know that I'm gonna be here to help you get through all of it," said Brittany, gently lifting Juniper's chin up to kiss her softly on the lips. "Always."


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