Senior Ditch Day

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"Do you think that if Quinn hadn't been in that car crash you and Finn still would have had the wedding?" asked Juniper as her and Rachel headed down the hall to the library.

"Yeah," said Rachel. "But in a way I guess I'm glad that it's not happening so soon. It gives us more time to plan things out."

"Even though your parents don't want you to?"

"All I know is that nothing is going to stop the wedding from happening."

"I can't wait to finally have a big sister," said the younger brunette. "Finn and Kurt are great, but they're a little too over protective."

"It's what brothers do," said Rachel. "But I wouldn't know. I've never had siblings. But I've always thought of you as a little sister. I can't wait for it to be official."

The older girl smiled softly at the younger girl as they entered the library. Juniper sat down next to Santana and rested her head on her shoulder.

"We all know why we're here," said Puck. "I've waited five years for this. I want ideas for senior ditch day."

"Ooh!" exclaimed Kurt. "A Gershwin-Sondheim scavenger hunt!"

"That sounds like torture," scoffed Santana.

"We want actual ideas, Kurt," added Puck.

"Footloose movie marathon," suggested Mike.

"What about a non alcoholic pub crawl?" asked Mercedes.

"It's senior ditch day," said Puck. "Not senior citizens ditch day."

"It's springtime," said Brittany. "I would like to see something give birth."

"Quinn, I'm so sorry," said Rachel and everyone turned to her. "It was my wedding you were going to and it was my text message you were answering when you got into that car crash, and now we're all sitting here and we're talking about this day that's supposed to be the most amazing and unforgettable day of our high school lives, and we're completely ignoring the fact that she's sitting in that chair? It's not right. It's not right, and it shouldn't be like this."

"Well, maybe not, but this is the way it is," said Quinn. "My accident, which you did not cause by the way, does not define me or ruin our senior year. I'm not gonna dwell on this, and neither should any of you, okay? Come here."

Quinn motioned for Rachel to come over to her. She held her arms out and Rachel leaned down to give her a hug.

"Now," said Quinn when they pulled away. "We are ditching as planned. I think we should go to Six Flags."

"Oh my god, yes!" exclaimed Juniper as she exchanged an excited look with Santana.

"The Lady Fabray has chosen wisely," said Puck. "Six Flags it is. Meeting adjourned."



Juniper was sitting on the floor of her closet drinking straight from her last bottle of vodka. Might as well get it into her system one last time before she's expected to recover.

"Juni?" asked Kurt, his voice muffled. "Juniper, where are you?"

The brunette held her breath, the bottle frozen in place at her lips. The closet door handle turned and the light switched on.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?" asked Kurt, snatching the bottle out of Juniper's hands.

"Give that back!" shouted the younger girl, standing up and reaching for the bottle – which Kurt was holding over his head.

"No! You're not supposed to be drinking!"

"It's just a little alcohol, Kurt, it's no big deal," said Juniper, crossing her arms.

"It is a big deal," said Kurt. "I'm trying to help you. Quit pushing me away. Please."

"There's not even that much left. Just give the bottle back."

"No," said Kurt. "Juniper, you don't realize that your actions have consequences. Have you heard of alcohol poisoning? You're lucky you haven't gotten it yet."

The older boy left – taking the near-empty bottle of vodka with him. Juniper left the closet and flopped down on her bed. Keeping her promise, she texted Santana to let her know what had happened before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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