New York

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The New Directions were in New York for nationals. Juniper was sitting next to Santana in the hotel room.

"Alright, guys," said Mr. Schue. "This is your time. You're all on lockdown till you finish writing our songs for nationals. I want at least two solid verses by the time I get back."

"Aren't you gonna help us?" asked Tina.

"Uh, I will be back and read your amazing creations and give notes. But right now I have to head to the theatre to, uh, fill out some paperwork," he gave them a smile and left the room

"Bull shit," scoffed Juniper. "We're in New York and we're not even allowed to leave the hotel. Typical."

"Whatever," said Rachel. "Let's just write these songs so we can get out of here."

A little while later, Brittany said she was done writing.

Juniper started laughing and Santana gently elbowed her, also laughing a little.

"Hold on. Are you singing about a cup?" asked Tina.

"Yeah, totally," Brittany replied.

"We gotta get out of here," Quinn said, standing up.

"No, Mr. Schue gave us explicit instructions," said Rachel.

"But he's not even here," said Juniper.

"And our problem is that our only inspiration is mattresses and bathroom cups," added Quinn.

"Quinn's right," agreed Puck. "We're in the artist capital of the world. Poets, musicians, actors, playwrights. Every dreamer that's lived has passed through this city. If we want our dreams to come true, we need to be out there."

"Yeah, come on guys," said Lauren. "Don't you hear the city calling you?"

"I don't think this is a good idea. I mean, we still got these songs to write and if we don't write them we're gonna lose," said Finn.

"We don't need to write songs for nationals," said Quinn. "New York's gonna write them for us."


It was almost time for the New Directions to perform. Juniper was pacing back and forth backstage, biting her nail. Santana came up to her and pulled her hand away from her mouth, gently placing her hands on the younger girl's shoulders.

"Breathe. It's gonna be okay," said the Latina.

"There's too many people out there, Tana," said Juniper, panic rising in her voice. "I- I don't think I can go out there."

"Juni, relax," said Santana, pulling the younger girl into a hug. "It's gonna be okay."

"I hate to interrupt this moment, but it's time," said Tina, nodding to the stage.

As Juniper and Santana moved to take their places, the brunette noticed that Santana's dress seemed a little loose. Juniper furrowed her brows. They had those custom made a month ago. The music started and Juniper shook the thought out of her head. It's probably just the lighting in the auditorium messing with her.


They ended up in 12th place. Everyone was pretty disappointed, but on the bright side, the Glee Club gets another year together. On the last day of school, Juniper walked up to Santana, who was at her locker.

"Are you still pissed?" asked the brunette.

"Do you think this voodoo doll looks enough like Rachel Berry to actually work?" asked Santana, holding up a doll that slightly resembled Rachel.

"Come on, we can't be mad at Rachel forever."

"Uh, yes, we can. How could you possibly be so calm?"

"I don't know," shrugged Juniper. "I hated losing just as much as everyone, but this year wasn't about winning for me."

"What was it about?" asked Santana.

"Acceptance," said the younger girl. "I know that all the kids in Glee Club fight and steal each other's boyfriends and girlfriends and they threaten to quit, like, every other week, but stuff like that happens in families."

"Yeah, well, this is a club. Not a family."

"Right, but family is a place where everyone loves you no matter what, and they accept you for who you are. I love everyone in Glee Club. And I get to spend another year with everyone I love, so I'm good."

"What about you and I?" she asked with a somewhat worried look.

"I love you, Santana," said Juniper. "I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else in this world. All I know about you and I is that, because of that... I think anything's possible."

Santana smiled and pulled Juniper into a hug and held her close before taking her hand and heading down the hall.

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