City Of Angels

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a/n - start song when it says

Juniper took a deep breath and knocked gently on the door to Mr. Schue's office before stepping inside.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Schue?"

"Yes," said the curly haired teacher, looking up from his paper and taking off his glasses. "Juniper, take a seat."

"Am I in trouble?" the brunette asked as she sat down in the seat across from Mr. Schue's desk. "Is this about that rumor Jacob started that I stole the answers for the math test? Because I didn't do it. Jake did."

"Uh, it's not about that... but good to know," said Mr. Schue. "Juniper, you've grown so much these last four years. You've really broken out of your shell and become a leader and a role model. The underclassman love you. Your fellow seniors adore you. And I, your teacher, am proud of you. You've proven to me that you are reliable and a key member of this team. You've been here since day one, and I couldn't be more proud of everything you've accomplished to get to where you are today."

"Thanks, Mr. Schue," Juniper smiled.

"Now, as you know-"

"Quit boring her to death," said a voice.

Juniper gasped. That voice could only belong to one person.

"Do I need to tell her for you?" asked Finn, a huge smile on his face as he came into the office.

"Finny, you're back!" exclaimed Juniper, getting up from her seat and jumping into the former quarterback's arms. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," said Finn, holding the younger girl closer to him.

"Wait, so what did you need to tell me?" asked Juniper, turning to Mr. Schue.

"Well, what I was saying-"

"You're getting a solo at nationals!" exclaimed Finn, cutting off the teacher.

"Really?" Juniper gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah," the older boy nodded with a smile as he handed the brunette the sheet music.

"I won't let you down," said the younger girl, giving Finn another hug.

"I know you won't."


It was almost time for the New Directions to perform. Juniper was sitting backstage with Finn, Blaine, and Sam as Tina did her make-up.

"Have you talked to Santana at all?" asked Finn.

"Dude, that's kind of a sensitive topic for her," said Sam as he finished tying his tie.

"Sam, it's fine," Juniper reassured him. "She actually reached out to me the other day."

"She did?" asked Blaine. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I figured you guys were sick of hearing me talk about her."

"It's not that," said Tina as she applied some blush to Juniper's cheeks. "It's that we were tired of her hurting you. But, anyways, what did she say?"

"Well, she said she's sorry about how she reacted the other week when I told her I couldn't make it to New York for the first performance of Kurt's band when Blaine and I got detention," Juniper began. "She said that the way she acted was irrational and that she shouldn't have behaved that way. I forgave her, of course, since I'm still madly in love with her. Then I told her about getting a solo at nationals and she said that she wanted a video."

"I can record one and send it to her," said Finn.

"Okay, all done," Tina smiled as she finished Juniper's make up. "You're gonna kill this song."

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