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Juniper found herself staring with her mouth hanging open as she watched Santana perform a number with Brittany and Ms. Holliday. Obviously, the Latina noticed this as stared at the brunette the entire time, sending her seductive smiles and flirtatious winks every now and then.

Quinn noticed the way Juniper was staring at Santana and nudged her, pulling the younger girl out of her trance.

"She's a bad idea," whispered Quinn. "You know she doesn't really care about you."

"Yeah, Juniper," agreed Rachel. "You know she's just using you for sex. There's no point in getting your hopes up."

"You're just going to get hurt," said the blonde.

"I guess," mumbled Juniper, turning back to the front of the room.

The number ended and Santana came up to the brunette. She leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Come over after school." She gave the girl another seductive smile and walked away.


Juniper had decided it was finally time she told Santana about her feelings for her. It only took about 50 hook-ups to get to this, but she knew she shouldn't keep it a secret forever.

"I want to talk to you about something," said Juniper as Santana fixed her hair. The Latina hummed in response to let the younger girl know she was listening. "I really like when we make out and stuff. But when Britt and Artie are together, they talk about stuff... like feelings."

"Why?" asked the raven haired girl as she finished Juniper's hair and went to apply some lip gloss.

"Because with feelings it's better."

"Are you kidding?" scoffed Santana, turning around to look at Juniper. "It's better when it doesn't involve feelings. I think it's better when it doesn't involve eye contact."

"I don't know, I guess I just don't know how I feel about us," mumbled Juniper.

"We're just friends," said Santana. "Really good friends. With benefits. Who like to make out with each other when we're sad or just wants to get our mack on."

"I don't know, Santana. I think we should talk to somebody. Like an adult."

"We're not going to Mr. Schue or Ms. Pillsbury," said Santana.

"I don't want to talk to them about it either," agreed Juniper. "But I know someone we can."


The next day, Juniper and Santana found themselves in an empty classroom with Ms. Holliday. Who better to go to than the fun substitute they wished was their real teacher?

"So, why are we sitting on the floor?" asked Juniper.

"Because we're in Japan," said Ms. Holliday, making the brunette chuckle a little. "Welcome to my sacred, sexy, sharing circle. I want to thank you guys for confiding in me, because I know this is tough, and I want to ask both of you if either of you thinks that you might be a lesbian."

"I know for a fact I'm bi, but I don't know if I'm just saying that to still feel a little straight," said Juniper.

"Yeah, I mean, who knows?" shrugged Santana. "I'm attracted to girls and I'm attracted to guys. I made out with a mannequin. I even had a sex dream about a shrub that was just in the shape of a person."

"Well, we've all been there," said Ms. Holliday. "I went to an all girls college where the only industry in the town was the manufacturing of softball equipment. I still feel a little tingle when I hear Ani DiFranco. Anyway, it's not about who you're attracted to ultimately. It's about who you fall in love with."

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