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"Okay, everybody. Let's hear it for love," said Mr. Schue. "Your assignment for Valentine's Week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs. Now, regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hairspray."

"Oh, god, not another bake sale," begged Kurt.

"If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these worlds greatest love songs to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom-"

"No!" everyone shouted – except for Rachel, who said, "Yes!"

"Two years ago, we went room-to-room Christmas caroling. They threw food," said Tina.

"And shoes," added Mike.

"Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all: don't sweat the small stuff," said Sugar. "And it's all small stuff when you're rich." She got up and went to the front of the room and handed Mr. Schue a wad of cash. "So, here you go."

"Uh, Sugar, I can't take that," said Mr. Schue.

"Take it!" Kurt and Juniper said at the same time.

"Okay," he gave in and took the money from Sugar. "Give it up for Sugar, everyone."

Everyone clapped.

"I love the sound of applause. Even if I have to buy them," she said. "Okay, everyone, look under your chairs. Except you, Artie. Your chair kept moving so I hid your surprise in the waist basket."

Juniper looked under her chair and found a box of chocolate. She picked it up and opened it, taking a bite out of one of the chocolates.

Smacking noises were heard from Puck, and Juniper and Santana looked over at him, laughing a little when they saw how stupid he looked.

"I found mine ten minutes ago," he said.

"V-Day is my fave day ever," said Sugar. "And to help me celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge, ridic party at Breadstix. And I'm naming it the Sugar Shack. And, drumroll Rachel..."

Rachel played a drumroll.

"You're all invited!" Sugar exclaimed. "But you have to bring a date. No single people allowed. They're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world."


"Hey," said Juniper as she walked up to Santana.

"Hi," said Santana, closing her locker.

"I got you something."

"I have something for you, too," she said with a smile.

"Okay, you first," said the brunette.

"No, you. I insist."

Juniper pulled out a small box and handed it to Santana. The Latina opened the box and pulled out a heart shaped locket. Inside was a picture of the two of them.

"Thank you, Juni. I love it," she said as she put it on.

Santana went into her bag and handed the younger girl a stuffed bear and a gift card to the Lima Bean.

"God, you know me so well," said Juniper. "Thanks, Tana."

"Don't mention it, babygirl," said Santana.

They leaned in to kiss, but were interrupted by a voice calling them from down the hall.

"Teen lesbians," said Principal Figgins. "I must see you in my office, right now."


"This is such bullcrap!" yelled Santana. "Why can't Juni and I kiss in public? 'Cause we're two girls?"

"Please don't make this about your sapphic orientation," said Principal Figgins. "This is about public displays of affection. PDA simply has no place in the sacred halls of McKinley High. We've had complaints."

"About us? When?" asked Santana.

"Most recently, yesterday at 12:16 pm."

"That? Our lips barely even grazed," said Santana. "And by the way, did you get any complaints about that hideous display that started at 12:17 pm and lasted for several uncomfortable minutes?"

"Seeing Finn and Rachel making out made me want to throw up on both of them," said Juniper.

"Believe me, I'd much rather watch you and Santana kiss than that so-called Finchel," said Figgins. "But if a student files a complaint because, for religious reasons-"

"Oh," interpreted Santana. "Great. So it was some Bible thumper that complained."

"Ms. Lopez, I'm sorry, but I'm trying to keep this school from turning into a volatile powder keg."

"I'm sorry, too," said Santana, standing up. "Cause all I want to be able to do is kiss my girlfriend, but I guess no one can see that because there's such an insane double standard at this school."

Santana grabbed Juniper's arm and they left Principal Figgins' office. When they were back out in the hall, she pulled the younger girl into a passionate kiss – sticking her tongue as far down her throat as she possibly could – just to spite Figgins.


On Valentine's Day, Juniper and Santana went to Breadstix where Sugar Motta was having her Valentines Day party.

"Hey, Sugar," Juniper greeted.

"Yay you guys came!" she exclaimed, giving Juniper and Santana an enthusiastic hug. "Here," she said as she handed them a party favor. "Attached to a Hickory Hills Cheese Heart are gift certificates worth $200 each for Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Panda Express, and Lima Mall Swatch Watch kiosk!"

"Thanks, Sugar," said Santana.

"Oh don't thank me. Thank my daddy for putting all of this together," she gave them a smile and walked away to greet the other guests.

Santana and Juniper took a seat at one of the tables.

"What do you think about Finn and Rachel getting engaged?" asked Santana as she broke off a bit of the cheese heart and placed it in her mouth.

"I think they're both crazy," said Juniper. "But I'm happy that they're happy, I guess."

A little while later, Sugar introduced the God Squad, a club that Quinn, Sam, and Mercedes are in as well as some dude with dreadlocks.

"Hi," said Dreadlock Kid, "My name is Joe. Santana Lopez asked me if the God Squad would sing a love song for Juniper Oakley. And after thinking and praying about it, I knew there was only one right answer."

Juniper looked over at Santana, who looked like she was about to go Lima Heights on Joe if he said no.

"Absolutely," said Joe and she smiled. "Love is love, man. So, here's for Juniper from Santana."

a/n - pretend that brittany is shorter and is juniper? idk i had to add this cause it's so cute

"Okay, everyone, it's time for my extra special guest," said Sugar after the song ended. "Back from the dead and cute and compact as ever!" She pointed to the door.

"Happy Valentine's Day, everybody," said Blaine and everyone cheered. "This song is dedicated to all the lovers in the room."

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