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Everything happened so fast. One minute we were talking and the next a truck was crashing into us. Luckily I got out of the car and was able to walk and call for an ambulance. "They're on their way. They said I shouldn't move you." He had a huge shard of glass stuck in his leg. "Don't worry about me. How's the baby?" He asked and I could tell he was fighting the pain. I was okay. I just saw a couple of scratches on my face and I felt Nthombifuthi kick.

I was just worried about him. I was trying to stay calm so he would also stay calm. "The baby is fine and kicking. She's making sure I know she's still there." He smiled and let out a sigh of relief. "There she goes again." She kicked again. "Thank you. Thank you God." He kept thanking God and the ambulances eventually came.

"Ma'am! Move away!" I did as they said and they got him out and secured his leg. I saw them carry the truck driver to another ambulance. "Is he going to be okay?" One of them just nodded. I pulled one that wasn't busy aside. "I'm pregnant. I was in the car too. Shouldn't you be taking me to the hospital." He scoffed. "Really? You expect me to believe someone like you was in this car? Ma'am step away from me! If you're trying to get money from that poor man's insurance I will personally make sure you end up in jail."

My lip started quivering but I knew I had to be strong. I needed them to check if my baby is okay. "No! I promise I don't need his money. My husband is rich. Please! My baby!" He pushed me away. "Ma'am I won't tell you this again! Back off! Your fake husband won't convince me of anything. Now get out of the way! The police are on their way. I suggest you get lost if you don't want to end up in a cell!"

I didn't know what to do but I started hearing more sirens and walked away. I walked as far as I could and then waited for someone to pass me. But no cars were coming through and I left my phone where the accident happened. I tried walking further and saw a minnibus taxi. I waved my hands like a mad woman until they stopped.

"Please! Take me to a hospital. Please!" I begged. They had no passengers. Just the driver and the person who collects everyone's fairs. "We're not going that way. We're going to the township down that road. There's a clinic there. We'll drop you off." I didn't care. I just needed to be somewhere they could check if my baby was still okay.

I got in and we drove off. "Twenty five rand sisi." He say putting his hand out for me to pay him. I didn't have anything on me. "I... I... I was just in an accident. They ambulance wouldn't take me. I left all my things there." The driver stopped the car. "Please. I'm begging you. Please get me to this clinic. Please." They gave eachother a look and then they looked at me.

"Give me your ring." The driver said and I was about to protest when he cut me off. "Give me your ring or I throw you out." I have him my ring immediately and he looked me up and down. "The shoes and the wig too." I didn't think he was serious. "The ring should be more than enough. It's real. I promise."

I was terrified. "Give me the shoes and the wig or we'll take what we really want and when we're done with you no man would want to go near you. Even the idiot who would buy a slut like you a ring like this." I took off my shoes quickly and ripped off my wig not caring that it was glued on. I sat shaking against the door.

We finally reached the clinic and they let me out and sped off. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. At least I was here now. There was hope. I started walking across the road to the clinic. My thighs were wet. I thought I was just sweating from the heat. I crossed the road and stepped on a sharp stone. I hissed and when I looked down I realized that I was in much more trouble than a stone.

My whole body started shaking as I watched the blood drip from between my thighs. I walked faster. Ignoring the line outside the clinic I ran straight in. "Help! Please! I'm bleeding." I ran up to the front desk. "Please help me. I'm pregnant and I'm bleeding." She just looked at me through her glasses. "Didn't you see the line?" I was so confused. Why wouldn't she just help? "Yes but I'm bleeding. Please." She sighed as if I was the most irritating thing in the world.

"There's women outside in that line in labour and you think I'll let you skip it because if a little blood?" What was going on? "It's not a little. Please! Help me!" I screamed because I couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and I thought she was going to help. She just looked down at the blood that was making it's way down my legs on the floor. "You're ruining my floor." She said with no expression on her face. "And you're irritating me. If you don't leave I'll drag you out myself." How could someone be so heartless? "You're going to have to drag me out then. Help! Someone please help!"

People started gathering around to see the crazy lady. Who was screaming. "Help me!" Tears were falling down my face as I screamed at the top of my lungs. She came to my side and pulled my arm. "No! I'm not going until someone helps me!" She was strong. She pulled me harder and I fell to the ground. I started screaming and kicking as she dragged me out. People just stood watching.

She didn't stop at the door. She dragged me all the way to the middle of the road and left me there. "If you even try coming back into my clinic I'll do worse." People were watching and taking photos and videos of me. Why would nobody ever help me.

I layed in the middle of the road crying helplessly. I was in every kind of pain imaginable and everyone around me just took photos. I knew no one was going to help me so I got up and started walking. I walked back to the direction the taxi came from. I had no idea where I was and the sun was starting to set. I had to get home.

I finally got back to the crash sight but the car was gone and so was my phone. I was so tired and hungry but I knew if I stopped walking I would die. The blood that ran down my thighs was drying up making it even more uncomfortable to walk. I was hot , sweaty, and bloody but none of that seemed to effect the strangers around me. Nobody cares.

I kept repeating to myself that if I stop I die. If I stop I die.
If I stop I die.

I walked all through the night. It was like I was in a trance and being led by some magical force. I needed to get home.

If I stop I die.

It was dark and I got to an area where the streetlights weren't working but I didn't care I just kept walking.

If I stop I die.

My lungs were burning and my muscles were ready to give in but if I stop I die. I walked until the sun came up. I didn't know where I was. It felt like I was in a trance.

I couldn't stop.
If I stop I die.

I didn't know how I did it. None of it made any sense but I was standing in front of my marital home. I grabbed the handle and that's when my body gave out. I fell to the ground and blacked out.

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