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"What is it? What do you need to tell me." Like most days my ribs were hurting. "Tell me and get it over with." I took a seat on the stool. "Okay, I was pulled into a board meeting. They want us to release a statement about your recovery. Initially when you got sick and underwent surgery we released a statement and MaKhumalo put updates on the family Instagram page."

"Wait, we have a family Instagram page?" They nodded. "It's quite popular." MaKhumalo added. "Well a month ago some YouTuber posted a video with a theory that we sacrificed you for our wealth. Although most people think it's a bit much questions kept being raised. We just haven't had time to update anyone since you woke up from the coma and it's caused a lot of uncertainty and crazy theories. They seem harmless but they're affecting the company. We can't say for sure that it is that but our analysts say that it plays a big part in it."

"Um, okay? So what does this mean?" They got that weird look in their eyes again. "We were wondering if you'd put out a statement. Maybe make a video or something. Maybe just an appearance. We can even arrange paparazzi." Was he serious. "What the hell?" I was so confused. "It needs to be subtle. We don't want it to look like were hiding something by forcing you out there." I was still stuck on arranging paparazzi.

"Okay, we can think of something but have you really not seen what's going on on social media?" MaKhumalo questioned. "I have not looked at my phone since I got out of the hospital. I also don't have access to me old accounts. It's on my old phone. I can't remember the passwords to my accounts. I just started new accounts under fake names." They were shocked.

I was so sore and weak. I thought I would be able to cook but I just told MaKhumalo to order something. Every single day my body keeps reminding me how much work your heart actually does. Sometimes every muscle in my body hurts. I can't even walk too far and I'm out of breath. I get tired and winded so quickly. Laying down hurt. Sitting hurt. Standing was tiring. I didn't know what to do with myself.

"Thandi?" I could hear the concern in her voice. I was hanging onto the kitchen island for dear life. I didn't know what to do. Some days I could handle it but others, like today, my heart just couldn't take it and my body felt all of it. "Thandi, should I call a doctor?" She sounded so scared. "No." Tears fell from my eye. If anyone were to ask me I would say my pain was at an eleven. I let out a shaky breath and stood up straight from my bent position.

"What can I do? Please tell me." I tried breathing. I wiped my face. "The couch." She nodded. She helped me to the couch and I instructed her where to put the pillows. She got me my pain medication and then we just sat and waited for the food. "You okay?" I hummed in response. "What happened?" I was literally sitting there with closed eye trying to focus on my breathing. "Busy day. Everything hurts. Usually I can deal with it but today everything hurts at the same time."

"What do you mean? I thought it was just your heart and lungs." I finally felt the effects of my pain medication. "My heart is still weak but it's healing. Everything hurts because everything needs the heart." She still looked confused. "Wait, so you're in pain all the time? I don't understand. Why are you sitting around entertaining us while your body is under so much stress?" I sighed. "You're all terrified and traumatized. I just clear my throat then you're all on the edge of your seats."

"What do you feel right now? What going on?" For the first time ever I spoke the truth. "My chest is in constant pain. It feels like it might burst but that's normal. My head, neck, back, and waist hurts. Every muscle on my body is stiff and it feels like I ran a marathon. My ribs are killing me. It feels like they're on fire. And before you ask, yes, this is apparently "normal". It feels like I need to scream or cry, or something but it would just take too much energy."

She was dead silent. Tears welled up in her eyes and fell. "Um, I'm sorry." She said frantically wiping them. "I didn't know. I thought you were fine." I smiled at her. "I will be okay. My meds are starting to kick in then I'll be able to sleep." The phone rang and it was security with our food. Senzo was downstairs so he got the food.

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