Chapter 14

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I sat on the chair in front of the screens staring off deep in thought while the others started putting stuff away. "Tala are you alright?" Mai asked getting closer to me. I gave a small nod still deep in thought. "Tala? Are you even listening to me?" Mai questioned waving her hand in front of my face. I looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah Mai?" I questioned. "I said that its time to leave." Mai said frustrated. I gave a small nod and stood up walking out to my car. I went to get in but I was stopped by Noll. "Tala when you get home call me." He said and it sounded like an order. "Of course your highness." I said with a giggle before getting into my car. "Hey Aki!" Ayako called from over by the van. "Yeah Ayako?" I asked and she smiled at me. "For one here is your phone." She started handing me my cellular device. "Also could I please go back with you to SPR?" She asked finally pleading slightly. I let out a small sigh. "Of course Ayako." I said getting into my car and feeling a small wave of dizziness. "Ayako are you ready I have important business back in Shibuya." I said buckling in. She got in behind me and nodded. "Alright we can go." Ayako said and I pulled out and started driving back to my house. "Tala you really should have listened to Martin and Luella." Layla said in my ear and I scoffed slightly at my undead sister. "Whatever Layla I have to go get the stuff from the mansion and make sure it didn't burn." I silently said to her making sure that Ayako was listening to her headphones.
~Time Skip~
As I pulled into park at the house I let out a small sigh. We had stopped once for food but other then that never stopped till reaching Shibuya. "Bye Tala and maybe tomorrow you should tell the others who you really are." Ayako said causing me to let out a sigh. "Yeah sure." I mumbled. I walked into the house and went into my room curling up into my bed starting to doze off. Just as I was about to sleep I heard Layla sound panicked. "What are you doing Tala don't sleep right now there isn't something right." Layla yelled in my ear and I sleepily sat up. "What do you mean something isn't right explain Layla?" I questioned a bit annoyed that I couldn't just go to sleep. "It seems as though something is wrong with your powers they are going out of control I will see what's going on but maybe for now you should go see Naru and have him keep you awake." She said and I agreed sleepily getting out of my comfy bed and walking out of my room to see everyone sitting in the living room talking. "The hell are you doing here?" I asked a bit annoyed that I wasn't aloud to sleep. "Ayako said you had something to tell us." John said looking me over.
~Naru's Pov~
All of us seemed to look Tala over when she walked out complaining. She seemed exhausted but wouldn't allow herself to sleep. Her crimson orbs seemed dull and her black hair a bit messy. "Ayako said you had something to tell us." John said looking over like everyone else did. She let out a sigh and sat down. "Well you all know Taliana Jones from england right?" Tala questioned and everyone nodded except for Lin and I. "Well I am actually her my real name is Taliana Jones and you know Noll is Oliver Davis well we are actually childhood friends and well supposed to be together." She said looking down at the ground attempting not to glance at me. They all looked to me for conformation and I gave a small nod. "She isn't lying we were childhood friends and are supposed to be an item and the thing is we both actually do like each other." I explained staring down at the book in my hands and everyone smiled happily. "That's wonderful." They all cheered except Lin of courcourse but Tala seemed a bit off. "Noll could we talk alone?" She asked looking over at me while the others seemed to converse with each other about silly things. I gave a small nod and we walked towards a room I'm guessing was hers. "Layla she said something interesting to me a bit ago." She started and I nodded. "She said that something is messing up my pk and that if I sleep it could be a huge issue and well I need your help Noll I'm scared." She said letting her usual smile and calm demeanor slip away. "Its alright I'll protect you always." I said pulling he rinto a hug and sslowly liflifting her chin our faces getting closer and I could feel her warm breath fan across my face. I gave her a light kiss and it wasn't anything special but she seemed to get flustered about it. "Aww how adorable." Monk cooed teasingly from the door and I looked over at him with a glare.
~Tala's Pov~
When Monk said that my fave turned crimson and I looked down. "Well I um have a phone call to make." I said grabbing my phone and walking outside. I dialed Martin's number and waited for him to answer. "Hello?" He asked and I smiled. "Hi Mr.Davis its Tala." I said letting out a small sigh of relief knowing he was there. "Is something wrong Tala?" He asked me putting down something with the sound it mad through the phone. "Well something happened back in england at my mansion and I need to get there as soon as possible but after Lin found out about the power issue he won't let the others let me leave. So could you send me a jet please?" I asked and he let out a chuckle. "Of course Tala I can do that it will be at the airport in Shibuya tomorrow." He said and I smiled. "Thanks Mr.Davis." I thanked and he chuckled again. After that I hung up the phone shoving it in my pocket and sitting down on the porch.

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