Chapter 22: Birthdays and Dates

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A/n Yay guys we hit 500 reads I'm so happy I hope you are enjoying the story so far beware this chapter will contain fluff.
~3rd person Pov~
Everyone continued talking and eventually they all fell asleep in the living room. Tala woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep so she walked around the sleeping figures and silently out the door. Driving her car to the station she unlocked the doors going in and looking at the files she had new and she new that she wouldn't be getting anymore sleep that night. Tala sat down and started filling out the files. At around 4 a.m. she heard the door open again and she turned to see nobody so she continued her work the next file she saw she read carefully. "Officer Rain body found with a suicide note." Tala read out loud and read over the suicide note carefully. Dear Aki, I am sorry that I left but I was told that you were in an arranged marriage I couldn't go on living knowing that you were with someone else. I apologize leaving you like that wasn't right. But I had to I couldn't stay and know that you loved him. Best wishes ~Rain. Tala finished reading it and tears brimmed in her eyes before she turned around to stare into pale blue eyes that belonged to Rain. She looked over the ghost before she unintentionally used her powers out of fear destroying the ghost.
~Mai's Pov~
It was around 7 a.m. and I peeked my head into Tala's room to see it empty and her bed made. I walked past everyone and looked outside to see her car missing. "Probably went to the office." I mumbled before shaking everyone awake. "Alright guys wake up Tala is gone and we need to start getting set up. Naru go to the station and make sure she stays out of the house till we text you." I said out loud. They all rubbed their eyes sleepily and nodded before doing as told.
~Tala's Pov~
I hadn't realized that I fell asleep after destroying Rain. I lifted my head off the desk and looked around the faint sound of Train playing from my phone. I looked and realized that somebody was calling me. "Hello?" I answered sleepily. "Happy birthday Miss Tala." Lucy and my other servants yelled through the phone. "What do you mean my birthday isn't till-." I paused staring at my calendar and hit my head on my desk. "I forgot about my own birthday." I mumbled. "Miss Tala you have some presents that I'm going to mail to you they are from Miss Luella and Mister Martin and then all of us here." Lucy said through the phone and I let out a small laugh. "Thanks a lot you guys." I said to then and rubbed my eyes. "I have to go so you guys can go on vacation just keep an eye on the house." I said and they hung up. I layed my head on the desk again my music continuing to play from the device. I turned towards the door to see Naru standing at it and about to knock. I shot up and fixed my outfit which was a pair of sweat pants and one of his shirts that Luella told me to have. I walked to the door and unlocked it to stare at Naru. "Eager to see me?" I teased lightly and he just grunted. I giggled lightly and he stared at me. "Let's go out on a date today." He said straight forward causing me to blush crimson. Naru grabbed my hand and pulled me outside to where we were walking my phone still sitting on the desk. "Alright where are we going." I managed to say after composing myself. "To the movies." He said walking me closer to the theater. I nodded and let him drag me into the theater. We stood in line for tickets and he continued to hold my hand gently which brought a smile to my face. We finally got our tickets and walked in to go see the poltergeist. I wasn't going to say anything about his choice of movie and we sat down next to each other. He pulled me into him and I had my head on his shoulder while we watched the movie my fingers still entwined with his. I stared at the screen not noticing that he was staring at me with a soft smile. I looked up and met his gaze. "What is it Noll?" I asked and he kissed me lightly. "You're beautiful did you know that?" He asked and my face turned crimson again. "Whatever." I mumbled causing him to chuckle lightly still holding me through out the movie. I jumped a few times at the movie and knew I was going to get him back but he looked down at me again and seemed to notice something. "Is that my shirt?" He asked and I grinned. "Maybe." I said cuddling into him the scent of dragons blood and tea strong and seemed to peacefully lul me. After the movie we left and I was still cuddled into him as we got closer to my house and he kissed me a bit harder then before separating due to lack of oxygen. We stood in front of my door and he kissed me again before opening the door. The lights turned on and everyone jumped out of various hiding spots to cheer. "Happy Birthday." I giggled but in my mind I dreaded this day. I couldn't spend it alone or with Layla like I did years before. "Thanks you guys." I said smiling but it was fake. Naru continued to hold me and I snuggled into him as we want and sat down. The day eventually came to an end with cake sitting on the corner people sleeping all over the living room and confetti covering the floor. I stood up slowly carefully getting out of Naru's grasp and put the cake in the fridge picking up Mai and putting her in her bed and putting Masako in my own. I walked out the door silently and went to the station. I opened the door and sat down at my desk staring at my phone that had multiple missed calls all of them being birthday wishes. I picked up the last file I had looked at and started filling it out only to hear my phone ring. "Hello?" I questioned. "Hello Taliana Jones, correct?" A female voice questioned. "Yes that would be me." I said looking down. "I have a case for you." She said bringing a smile to my face.

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