Chapter 20: Headquarters

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~Tala's pov~
I woke up and I wasn't in the room with Noll anymore looking around I knew where I was. I had been taken to the actual Spr standing for Spiritual Psychic Research. I looked around the small room and noticed the familiar testing objects that surrounded me. 'You can't use your Pk Tala or you could get hurt really bad possibly even die.' Layla's voice rang in my head and I looked around for moment before letting out a sigh and sitting down. 'I wonder where Noll is.' I mentally sighed looking around the room at the equipment and smirked as I saw the same one as usual testing how much I could use with out passing out. I walked towards the equipment and just stared not realizing that Layla stood next to me. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" She yelled causing me to jump back landing on my bottom. "What the hell Layla Warn a girl!" I shouted at her and she sighed waving it off and then sat down. "Alright so look at all of the equipment don't do anything just stare at it and then release a small amount of power to set it off they should let you go then." Layla said and I nodded still staring at the equipment before I was surrounded in a small amount of red and then heard a crackle. The psychic energy seemed to explode sending me back with a small yelp. I groaned in a bit of pain and let out a shaky breath before trying again only using more power on the equipment and Layla just let out a sigh. "I probably should have just told her not to do anything." I stared at them releasing way more power then before and it lit the room crimson sending me back a bit when it exploded but all the devices went off. I fell to the floor concentrating on my breathing watching the door open and I sat up smiling. Martin and Luella walked in and smiled. "Are you trying to hurt yourself?" Martin scolded and Luella came over and helped me up. "I'm fine." I hissed catching my breath upset that I was taken back here in my sleep when I hated the place. "Well Noll wants to see you so we'll send him in." Luella said smiling at me softly before sending their son in. "Tala are you alright?" Naru asked walking up and hugging me. "I'm perfectly fine Noll." I said softly setting my head on his chest smiling lightly at the sound of his heart beat. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek before releasing our embrace and turning to leave. "Naru I'm sorry I shouldn't have tried so hard and gotten myself hurt." I mumbled and he turned and smiled at me. "It's alright I'll be back I'm just letting the others know you are still alive and kicking." He said with a chuckle and a small giggle left my lips. "Alright but I don't wanna be here to long I hate it." I mumbled the last three words but he heard them. "I'm sorry I let them bring you here." Naru said kissing me lightly on the lips before heading out the door. I stared at the door watching him leave and letting out a small huff. "No fair he didn't even get them to let me out." I whined at Layla and she just shrugged with a small smile on her face and then started laughing watching my face turn red. "You are so cute Tala." She managed to say through giggles. I let out a low growl and turned my head away from her. "Whatever you're so mean." I hissed laying my back against the door and closing my eyes I used some of my energy to see out of Mai's eyed and hear what she heard.
~Mai/Tala's Pov~
I stood with the other members of the Japanese SPR and then heard Luella say something to Lin that caught my attention. "Gene actually woke up earlier today and we think it might be from Taliana's power fit earlier." She said and I gasped not believing this he was awake I thought it was a permenant coma.
~Tala's Pov~
I was back in the room and rubbed my eyes to make vision clearer I stared at Layla and smiled lightly there was a light bit of sadness in it but not visible. "So what did you find out?" She started and then paused. "Wait how the heck did you do that?" She questioned after confused. I shook my head and shrugged before the room got a bit fussy again and I rubbed my eyes feeling them getting heavier. "Layla I think maybe I shouldn't have found out about that power." I mumbled a bit exhausted. Holding my head with one hand I got up only to stumble a bit and then get closer to Layla. "Why do you say that Tala?" She asked tilting her head slightly. "I'm tired." I said collapsing on the bed my eyes slowly shutting and being surrounded by darkness.
~Tala's Dream~
I stared at Noll's twin and let out a light laugh. "Gene I'm happy you're awake." I giggled to the boy and he nodded. "I'm happy I'm awake too a bit upset about Layla not being alive but then again you're still here." He said chuckling lightly and I laughed lightly twirling. "So do you know what happened and how I could see what Mai saw?" I questioned and he stared at me confused. "You saw what she saw as if you were in her body?" Gene asked curiously. I nodded lightly and he looked deep in thought. "More powers of yours are coming out and if you use them at a steady pace you won't end up passing out all the time just being a bit tired." Gene explained smiling at me and I laughed again before nodding. "Thank you Gene you helped me so much." I said hugging him. "You have to wake up the others are almost at your room." He said before everything seemed to brighten.
~Naru's Pov~
We opened the door to Tala's room and saw her rubbing her eyes and I had to say it was quiet adorable. She met her wine colored orbs with my eyes and smiled. "Naru." She giggled not paying notice to the rest of the group behind me. She then gripped her head and I watched as she seemed to be in a bit of pain. I slowly inched closer before Lin grabbed my wrist stopping me.
~Tala's Pov~
Naru and the group walked in and I stared into his midnight blue eyes and smiled. "Naru." I called giggling all the others seeming fuzzy until I heard a voice pound in my head. "Tala help me! Don't leave me!" It seemed to yell and I held my head in pain a small whimped escaping my lips. "Why did you have to go I thought you really loved me." It said again the image of one of my squad members that I happened to be around a lot before I met Noll again and let Rika be in charge of the unit while I worked with SPR. "Don't leave me." The male voice echoed again and then what sounded like a gun shot went through my head and I screamed in agony at the sound pounding through my head. "N-Noll it h-hurts s-so much." I yelped.

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