Chapter 12: The crimson walls

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~Aki's Pov~
I was feeling faint but tried to stay awake. "Let me in now." The man outside growled at me. "N-no." I stammered and he let out a growl. "I need that power of yours girly." He hissed and I inched into the corner of the crimson colored box."Mai where are you?" I sobbed a bit until I heard heavy footfalls getting closer. "Aki!" I heard Naru call. My head pounded as my vision became darker. "N-Naru." I whispered back the man on the other side of the wall hissed and banged on the wall again. I heard a high pitched whistle then heard the man scream. After that everything turned pitch black.
~Naru's Pov~
After Lin destroyed the spirit outside of the crimson walls that Aki had encased herself in she fell backwards her eyes closed. "Aki?" I questioned getting closer and the walls seemed to dissipate when I walked closer. "Noll is she alright?" Lin asked and I heard the sounds of the others getting closer. "I don't know Lin." I said getting closer to the unconscious girl. I squated down next to her and I could see the rise and fall of her chest proving she was still alive. "She should be fine just used to much Pk." I called back as the others got to where Lin stood. I picked up Tala and walked over to the others with her and nodded. I heard multiple sighs of relief as we walked back to the base and set her down. "Alright now Ayako you, John, and Monk go exorcise the place. Masako go get some blankets and a pillow for Aki. Mai tea." I ordered to everyone and they nodded going to do their assigned things. "Lin will Tala be alright?" I asked looking over at the girl I had set on the couch. "She should be fine Noll it was just a simple case of her using her Pk." Lin answered and I nodded sighing in relief. I sat down in a chair and stared at the screens next to Lin watching everything going on.
   ~Aki's Pov~
'Why is everything so dark?' I questioned in my thoughts looking around the pure black void. Gene came over and got closer to me. "Tala are you alright?" He asked looking me over and I gave a small laugh. "Of course Gene I'm fine even Lin said I was alright." I answered smiling at him. "Your siblings are worried too. Tala you should be more careful even after what Dad told you." Gene scolded and I gave him a small nod. "I have to wake up now Gene but I will see you later alright?" I said waving at him and he gave me a smile. "Tala you need to get closer with Noll before Mai does." He said before everything turned bright.
~3rd person~
Aki let out a small groan as she opened her eyes yawning and looking around the dark base. "Everyone must be sleeping." She said getting up and stretching. She walked out of the office and looked around before walking to her and Naru's room that they shared and opened it to see him curled up and Mai next to him while the others were on the floor around the two.
~Aki's Pov~
Tears were at the edge of my eyes as I saw the sight before me and I slowly closed the door walking away from the room and outside to the track. I sat down with my head on my knees and cried lightly. I heard the sound of my phone ringing and answered with a small sniffle. "Hello?" I questioned. "Tala dear what happened?" Naru's mother cooed and I just let out a sigh. "Its nothing Mrs.Davis." I said looking around the dark track. "No its not I heard that sniffle you were crying Tala." Luella said with a huff. "I'm fine really just need to clear my mind a little bit." I answered with a sigh standing up and walking around the track towards the woods behind. Hoping that something would take away her pain she was feeling. "I'll call you back in the morning Mrs.Davis I'm going to go to bed." I said before hanging up and dropping my phone on the ground walking farther into the woods.

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