Chapter 29: Going Home

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Warning: Contains Cutting and Suicidal thoughts.
~Naru's Pov~
All of the others had left the room to go greet Tala but for some reason Mai stayed and she walked closer to me. "Naru?" "Yes?" "I love you m-more then Tala ever C-could." "What are you talking about Mai?" "I think you should dump Tala and be with me." She played with her hands as she said that and I just stared. "No because I love Taliana no matter what." I said and she looked upset but got closer as did footsteps and forced a kiss onto me.
~Tala's Pov~
I got to the airport and stared at my two bags I had and smiled as I handed them my passport and they didn't question me as I got on the plane. "Tala calm down come on think through this alright." Gene's voice rang through my head. "I've thought about it Gene and I'm coming home...I just can't afford another heart break from Noll." I answered through telepathy. Gene sighed lightly then cut off our telepathic link as I sat down.
~Gene's Pov~
I ran into my brother's office and glared at him and Mai. "Taliana just left what do you have to say for yourself?" I hissed and Naru had pushed Mai away from him. "That it wasn't my fault it was Mai's!" 'I knew I couldn't trust anyone...I'm sorry Gene, Lin, and especially Naru.' I heard Tala say and I stayed silent. "She loves you and then this happens to her twice." I growled at them both. "My sister is planning on dying in England because of you!" I yelled and they stared at me. "Wh-What?" Mai asked her eyes wide. "She's alone her parents are dead and her family is dead and now her fiancé is in love with her best friend. She sees all this happening at once. How would you feel if this happened to you?!?" I yelled before turning around and stomping out of the room. I had to call mom and dad and I had to get Lin to help me stop her because obviously Noll didn't care anymore.
~Tala's Pov~
I sat on the floor of my bathroom in my mansion staring at my blood stained arm tears streaming down my face as I sobbed. I heard a knock on the front door but ignored it as I slowly got up pulling on a long sleeve shirt and walking into my bedroom laying on my bed. "Miss Tala? Mr. And Mrs. Davis are here they want to see you." Lucy said knocking lightly on the door. "I'm not in the mood to see anyone right now Lucy.." I muttered into the pillow glaring at a picture of me and Noll on our date in Japan. I couldn't stand it the pain of losing my family, my first love and my best friend. I've lost everything and my body burned because of it. The door opened slowly to show Luella and Martin."Tala honey? Are you alright?" Luella asked in a low and caring voice. "Tala is something wrong?" Martin asked trying to help. "H-he k-kissed her tw-twice after s-saying he loved m-me." I stuttered sniffling and trying to keep my tears at bay. "We'll have a talk with him Tala and everything will be better." Luella said. "If he doesn't want to marry me I won't force him...Mom always said if you love something let it go and if it doesn't come back it wasn't meant to be." I said staring at the bed sheets. "Alright then Tala but just so you know we will always love you like our daughter." Martin said and kissed my forehead with Luella following behind. They left a few moments later and I watched them leave only to hear Gene yelling in my head. "What the hell Taliana! We're on our way there." He hissed and I didn't answer. I stared at the wall in front of me silently. 'Just go away...he doesn't love me.' I stood up and walked up the stairs of the mansion going up to the roof and sitting there staring at my arms. "I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I'm even more sorry that I'm not her." I say as I step closer to the edge of the roof. I sit down right on the edge my legs swinging a bit and I lay my head back half my body laying on the roof. "Is there a point in doing this? Will it accomplish anything?" A voice asked me sounding much like my own. "Yes there is a point and it will it'll make him realize that he broke me and lost me." I answered closing my eyes. "Why would he care? He isn't Oliver Davis anymore he's Kazuya Shibuya the emotionless narcissist that only cares about himself." It continued. "He became Kazuya because he thought Gene was gone...he's Noll my first love and my only love." I mumbled ignoring the sounds of voices from the ground. "He loves her not you Taliana think about it. He wouldn't have done those things if he loved you." It seemed to get louder. "Then I'll just die." I answered the voice before feeling somebody grab me and pull me into their arms. "Its alright Tala it was a misunderstanding." I heard Gene say as he pet my head lightly and I shook a bit. "H-he loves her doesn't he?" I whispered into his chest before sobs started to rack my body. I cried into his chest and he picked me up as I curled into his body sobbing more. "Wh-What d-did I-I do? Wh-What d-does she h-have th-at I d-don't?" I asked and he sighed holding me tighter. "Tala if he didn't love you then why would he be here? Waiting to hold you and kiss you?" Gene asked and I glanced up slowly. "H-he's here?" Gene nodded in reply and carried me downstairs slowly and layed me on my bed. "Stay here and I'll go get some things to clean the blood before the others come in."

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