Chapter 27: Kokuro High

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~3rd person Pov~
The SPR team arrived at the highschool and were shown to the student council room where Tala slept her head laying on the papers. Naru stepped closer to her and slowly shook her shoulder. Tala sat up and yawned stretching her arms. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked looking them over before looking down at the paper she had been laying on and stood up. "Everybody stay in the room for now I'll be back in a minute." She said before hurrying off. They all stared confused at the girl. Tala ran into the basement of the school and looked around quickly.
~Tala's Pov~
I let out a sigh thinking there had been something down here until I felt a tug on my sleeve causing me to quickly turn in that direction to see a little girl. "I lost my mommy..." She said and I stared cautiously at her. She had tears stream down her face and I didn't dare move a single step. "What's your name?" I asked staring at her pulling my arm away. "I-I'm Yoshino..." She said staring up at me and I thought about the list of missing people. "Yoshino Haruka?" I questioned and she nodded. "You poor thing." I mumbled backing away. "Miss what do you mean?" She questioned and I closed my eyes. "Please forgive me for doing this to the little girl." I said silently. Then the child glowed a red and it faded to a gold as the little girl dissapeared. I stared at the spot for a bit and then walked back up the stairs slowly. "That girl....she's been dead for two years...." I mumbled and then I walked back into the room and went searching through the papers. The members of Spr stared still confused and I looked up. "So is there not gonna be anything set up?" I paused for a moment. "Everbody must have somebody be with them when they're walking around." I said before pulling out one paper and sitting back down reading over it. Naru stared at me with deep worry and sat down next to me. "Tala is something up?" He asked and I turned towards him. "If it gets to dangerous promise me that you'll leave immediately." I said staring right at him.
~Naru's Pov~
"If it gets to dangerous promise me that you'll leave immediately." Tala said surprising me. "Tala what about you?" I asked and she smiled. "I'll be fine Naru I promise just....promise me you will." She said looking up at me. "What is it that you know that we don't?" I asked avoiding it. "There is a demon here like I had said but it has children from multiple years ago." She said handing me a few papers. "Tala where are we staying?" I asked and she smiled lightly. "There is a hotel across the street I already rented out enough rooms for all of us. If you don't mind though we'll be sharing a room." She said blushing lightly and I nodded. "Of course not Tala I love you." I said and she smiled (So ooc sorry) I read over the papers before handing them back to her. "If it does get to dangerous I'll have the team leave but I won't leave you alone." I said and she sighed lightly. "Fine Naru." She said before looking through the papers again. She seemed so focused and it was adorable. Tala turned towards me and smiled. "Stop staring its impolite." She said kissing my cheek lightly before looking up at somebody who had walked in. "Alright then go ahead and set the screens up over at the side and put cameras in these spots just don't send anybody alone." She said handing a paper to Takigawa. Tala was trying so hard to be on top of things and I could see it. "Naru could you please do me a favor and help them set stuff up I would really appreciate it." She said and I nodded walking over to help set up the screens occasionally looking over at her as she held her head a bit. "This is going to take all night to figure this out." She huffed shuffling through the papers spread out on the desk and she scribbled in a notebook.
~Tala's Pov~
I stared at the papers then the map looking over the lay out of the school.
There had been sightings all over the place and I marked all of them that I could looking over the interviews I had taken down onto paper. "Alright so if I start here and slowly make my way over to the other side I could be at the hotel by around four in the morning." I mumbled before looking at the clock to see it was later then I had thought. I smiled lightly and then looked at the group that had gathered in the room. "Alright guys you'll be staying across the street Mai...if you have a dream call me immediately I don't care if its three in the morning." I said handing them their room keys and then they started to leave Naru staying there. "Tala are you gonna be coming over there with us?" He asked and I smiled lightly. "I'll be there later I promise." I said before standing up and kissing him lightly. Then walking to the first sight and working my way over slowly having no clue what I would find that day.

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