Chapter 23: House by the lake

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~Tala's Pov~
I walked to my car leaving the station and sighed setting my phone down on the passenger seat and started driving to the client's house. My phone started ringing around 9:00.a.m. I looked down and quickly answered it. "Hello?" I questioned a bit cheerfully. "Tala thank god Naru has been freaking out cause you weren't asleep next to him." Ayako said extremely fast. "Sorry I went to the station but I'm running to a quick mission." I apologized and she mumbled something to what sounded like the others before starting to yell at me. "You idiot! Take us with you next time you could get hurt horribly!" I laughed lightly and quickly said bye before hanging up and pulling into the driveway of a decent sized lake house. I got out of the car and walked up to the door knocking lightly. "Hello?" A female answered behind the door. "Its Taliana Jones you called me to come look at the house." I said and the door opened to reveal a woman with blonde hair about shoulder length and blue eyes. Standing behind her was a little boy around the age of five and he had blonde hair with two different colored eyes. "Thanks for coming on such short notice I'm hoping that I didn't interrupt anything important." She said and I shook my head as she invited me in and I was hit with a burning sensation throughout my body. I ignored the searing pain and walked with her through out the Victorian style house. The farther we walked the worse the pain became but when the child hugged me before he ran off to bed I felt as though I couldn't breath and I just tried to walk it off. "So Saki do you have a guest bedroom for me to stay in if not I can just sleep on the couch." I said a small smile on my face and she returned it. "Yes there is just follow me upstairs." I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket for the sixteenth time today and I ignored it again until I got into the bedroom and layed on the bed. After Saki left I picked up my phone and looked at all the missed calls, being from the members of SPR I called back the person who had just called Lin. "Hello?" I questioned and he sighed. "Tala you can't just leave like that and not tell anybody where you are." He scolded and I just sighed. "Well I'm not five years old anymore I'm capable of taking care of myself and I'm in Karuizawa if you really wanted to know." I hissed as another wave of agonizing pain hit me. "Tala what's wrong?" Lin panicked slightly and I let out a small forced laugh. "I'm fine really just these spirits don't happen to care for me or they think I'm somebody else." I said as I felt somebody's nails drag down my back. "Tala listen to me where are you in Karuizawa?" Lin asked and I gripped the bed tightly. "It doesn't matter I can do this by myself Lin just stay out of it." I hissed before hanging up. I looked towards the door to see Haru and he smiled wickedly at me. "Miss Tala you shouldn't have come here because you'll end up dying in this house." He hissed before walking closer to me. "Maybe your friends should join you because you'll never be able to exorcise us all by yourself." He cooed touching my hair before dragging his nails down my face leaving a scratch. "Now get out of my house." He hissed and I just turned over staring at the wall hoping he would just go away. After a few minutes he did leave and I stood up quickly before running to the living room and I closed my eyes. The area around me glowed crimson and as the house started to glow I was shoved back by multiple spirits them then gripping my arms hard drawing blood. I mumbled a few words and the crimson glow burst along with the spirits sending me sprawling to the floor but I could feel it not all if them were gone. I was in so much pain but stood up and dragged myself back to the guest room before calling Lin again. "I need you guys here I thought it would be an easy job but..." I mumbled feeling the pain again and I stared at the wall. "Tala just give me the address and we will be there as soon as we can get there." Lin said and I let out a small laugh before giving him the address. After giving him the address everything went black.
~3rd person Pov~
The line between the two disconnected and Lin quickly called everyone telling them to meet at the lake house where Tala was. Everybody quickly got into cars and started driving to Karuizawa. The next morning Tala woke up to Haru tapping her shoulder. "Miss are you alright?" He asked and Tala jumped slightly. "I'm fine thanks." She mumbled standing up not realizing her outfit was still ripped. She quickly changed into sweat pants and a T-shirt and walked out of the guest room. "Saki if its alright with you I called a few other experts to help me." Tala said smiling at her client. "That's fine just make yourself at home and as long as you don't mind sharing your room with one of them." She said smiling lightly before she walked into the kitchen. Tala stared off for a moment being hit with another burning sensation and she hissed lightly.
~Tala's Pov~
I walked towards the door when somebody knocked and answered it to stare at Monk and the others. I paused lightly before I got hug tackled by Naru. I hissed lightly in pain and he pulled away quickly and I felt the burning heavier then it was before. I was curled over in agony and Haru walked over to us. "Are you alright miss?" He asked looking at me and then at the others. "Miss are these your friends?" He asked and I gave a small nod as the burning went away. I stood up and dusted myself off before walking towards the kitchen. "Saki do you need any help?" I asked sweetly looking at the woman. "Its alright your friends are here right you should probably explain to them what's been going on so far and I'll make some tea." Saki said and I smiled. "Of course Saki." I replied walking out if the kitchen and looking at Masako with a sad smile. "John could you take care of Haru for me please." I said handing the child to him and he stared confused. "Naru and Lin will come with me everybody else do a walk through and please be careful." I said before walking with the two males up to my guest room.

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