Chapter 24: The Child

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~Naru's Pov~
As Tala explained to us what she had witnessed so far she kept cringing lightly. I moved away from Lin and walked over to her and held her close to me. "It's alright Tala just calm down a bit and hand me the file." I cooed softly in her ear earning myself a small nod and a black folder in my hands Tala slipping away. "I'm gonna go make some tea for you guys." She said with a small smile before she walked off towards the kitchen. Lin left to go find the others and Mai walked in with a small smile not closing the door all the way. "Yes Mai? Did you need something?" I questioned before noticing how close she was. She had moved the folder away from my face and caught me off guard kissing me lightly with a bit of passion and I unconsciously kissed back. The door opened slightly and then the sound of glass hitting the florr rang through my ears along with the sound of Tala attempting to hold back some cries. I quickly pulled away from Mai only to watch Tala run away.
~Tala's Pov~
I went to bring Naru his tea and noticed the door slightly ajar. I opened it a bit more to see what I wish I could forget I watched as Mai and Naru kissed passionately and with a bit of lust mixed in on Mai's side. Unable to think or hear over my breaking heart I dropped the tray with tea and glass cups and ran down the hall quickly. Tears streamed down my face as I ran out the door and towards the lake behind the house I got closer and heard voices cheering in my head. "Go ahead and jump not like anyone will miss you, plus you could see good old mom and dad again if you jump." A man whispered in my ear and I stepped closer slightly. "You don't deserve him she has more rights to him seeing as you and he didn't talk for three years." A woman said her arms on my shoulders and her voice like silk in my ear. "You're right both of you are right I didn't deserve him and he needs better then my pitiful self." I mumbled in some sort of trance. I walked closer and had one foot in the lake and was slowly walking forward. "He didn't want you to begin with it was all for them to give your parents what they had wanted." The male whispered. I could feel the freezing cold water slowly get higher to where it was up to my chin. "He never wanted you and he never will Mai means more to him." He woman said and that's when I was completely submerged in the water my breath slowly slipping away and my eyes becoming heavy. 'He never did want me did he?' My entire body was welcomed into the familiar comforting darkness the voices of everyone else only being shadows.
~3rd person Pov~
While Naru thought of how to deal with the situation Lin, John, Masako, Monk, and Ayako watched as the girl ran by quickly and they didn't notice the tears until a minute later when Lin was the first to jump up and run down the hallway and follow the younger woman's tracks. The others nodded and ran after Lin and they all started yelling as they watched Tala's body resurface from the lake her hair around her. Ayako and Masako were screeching her name and Lin ran in and started swimming towards her as fast as he could. Monk and John stared unsure what to do before Monk ran off to find Naru and Mai. Lin pulled the unconscious girl out of the lake and brought her to the grass. He pushed on her chest giving her CPR.
~Naru's Pov~
Takigawa came running in trying to catch his breath and didn't question why Mai was standing in the room. "T-Tala she-she was in the lake." He huffed out trying to catch his breath. A look of horror passed over my face and I ran past him out to the backyard where the lake sat. I watched Lin giving her CPR and her cough up some water gripping onto Lin's shirt tightly. "L-Lin..y-you sa-saved me." She said between hard breaths not paying attention to the others and her grip loosened. "I'm so tired Lin can I take a sm-small nap?" She asked her eyes slowly closing and Lin smiled at her. "Promise me you'll get up in an hour?" He asked and she gave a small nod before her eyes shut completely. I watched Mai walk out with Takigawa and I stared at the two before walking closer to Lin. "Is she going to be alright?" I asked looking down at her. She was so pale but the water must have been freezing I looked back to the house to see the small child let out a light giggle before running closer. "Is Miss Taliana fall asleep?" He asked with a small questioning look. He walked closer to her and kissed her cheek. "She's so cold. Mr.Kazuya what happened?" He asked a small sad look on his face but it looked fake. Lin stood up with Tala in his arms and everyone followed walking inside. Lin layed Tala on the her bed lightly and covered her with a blanket a light smile on his face. "It'll be alright Tala and as soon as you wake up I promise I'll still be here for you." Lin whispered to the sleeping girl. He stood up and left the room to go over to the others and stared at the computer screen like usual ignoring the others.
~Tala's Pov~
I sat up and looked around to see I was laying in the guest room bed. I looked around a bit and I was freezing for some odd reason. "He never cared about you." The voices started again and I gripped my head in pain as I curled into the blankets. "Please make it stop." I said gripping onto the sheets. "But he deserves somebody better then you somebody who hasn't killed." The voices cooed in my ears and my grip tightened on the sheets. My head pounded as the voices continued to whisper things. "None of them really like you they're all just using you." The cooed and I whimpered lightly. The door opened but I was to focused on the voices to notice as Lin walked in the room.

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