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On a foggy morning crying of a small newborn was heard from a small Comfy hut in the land of Guili Plains. A woman sat in bed holding said newborn baby with a small smile on her soft delicate pink lips. She felt happy to finally be a mother for the first time in life at that moment. Her husband kneels besides her and gently caressed the baby girls head. Feeling happy and proud to be a parent as well with his wife.
Everything was fine and at peace until noises were heard outside the hut. And the air becomes intense to the point the woman than felt danger lurking around. She than speaks in a scared voice "H..-Hun..?..wh..what's..happening?" She ask her husband who stood up fast and grabbed a weapon laying by the door as he goes out and shouts over his shoulders. "I'LL CHECK!! STAY HERE!!" She than holds the infant closely to her  with a worried look on her face and watches as he leaves.
Time skip
It's been four days since her husband disappeared and hasn't yet come back. The woman wasn't sure what to do but knew she wanted to keep her child safe.  She looks at the baby girl sleeping in her bed. Than walks to it and kisses her on the forehead and whispers softly to the child. "I'll come back. I need to find daddy sweetie." She than brushes her hand softly against the infant cheeks in a affectionate way. Feeling confident her child will be safe while she's away. The woman than heads out the door and leaves but few minutes later a painful horrified scream was heard. Which wakes the baby up and giggles softly to herself with a small grin.
Time skip

Two weeks goes by and the infant was now two weeks old. But all alone in the empty small hut. Which was now destroyed with nothing left but her. She was feeling hungry and didn't understand what was happening so she cried loudly everyday in her torn up bed. Eventually footsteps were now heard as a man with green hair wonders inside the abandoned destroyed hut. He raises an eyebrow as he sees the child. And signs of blood splattered stains on the walls which made him ask . "Where are your parents?" He picks her up into his arms wondering what had happened here. She finally stop crying and gave into slumber feeling exhausted. Now sucking on her thumb and falls asleep peacefully. The man than smells and sees how dirty the baby was but he smiles at her and sighs. "Looks like your coming with me than." He decided as he sees that this place is empty and a mess and no one to claim the child. There was something wrapped around the man's neck and it moves. He than turn his gaze upon a scaled snake which than speaks. " sure about this?" It questions him as it than gave a disagreeing look at the child. The man name Baizhu than answers. "Changsheng.. don't worry " he pauses for a sec and continues. "Besides I feel bad for this little one. She needs us and if she's left here any longer she'll die." The snake than clicks it's tongue and  makes a slithering noise in annoyance and sighs at Baizhu. "Tch...fine..fine.." it than wraps itself back fully around the man and falls asleep as well.
Time skip again

Baizhu walks back home now approaching a city call Liyue. Before he enters the place he than thinks to himself. This child doesn't have a name. What should I call her?. He stood there for a few minutes in thought than snaps out of it and smiles as he holds her up in the air. The baby was still asleep in his grasp looking adorable. "Ah how about (Y/N)!!" She than starts cooing in her sleep and drools a little on the side of her left mouth. Baizhu than chuckles and nods his head in approval and holds her in his arms properly again and starts moving once more. "Let's go home (Y/N).."
Zhongli pov

In all of his glory, a strong geo lord slithers in the air in his exuvia form, hovering across liyue for it is his duty to keep the city he once created alongside his one yet closest aide a few thousand ago, keeping his eyes for any signs of danger. It is but an ache to his heart that the said aide withers within his arms, breathing her final breath before returning to the other side, and thus, the reason of his first and last tears. Archon war has taken what was important of him and was left with nothing but pain and agony. Said lord has been bestowed by his aide, the dumbell of wisdom and yet till this day, not ever has he able to unlock it.

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