Dangers chapter 6

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Zhongli pov

The lonely old dragon roamed the sky and slithers around, looking over the state of liyue. From above, he saw the vishaps rolling around the hills, the boars in a herd, stones and jeadites all beautifully shone by the moonlight. Everything was peaceful. But that was until he met adeptus Xiao fighting from afar. He then decided yo land somewhere nearby to observe whether the young adepti needed help or not. The fight was fierce with blood and clanking of his primordial spear but that still made the conqueror of demon gained his victory. Even during the descension rite, the young allatus still coped with his duties which made the Geo Archon quite sad. Yes the five demons once fought a dutiful battle by his side against the karma of once fallen gods. How much the karma had corrupted them and now is left with the anemo vision holder. He almost lost the one and only demon he had and thanks to the flute played by the lord of wind, Barbatos, in Dihua Marsh had given Xiao the opportunity to remain sane.  He wondered why did the one he had saved did not come for him for assistance when he almost succumbed to the karma. But all and all, everything went well. He then slithered up and ascended again into the starry sky.

Next, he saw the cloud retainer doing one of her experiments. Somehow, it looked quite interesting. Combining adeptal power with machinary and only her alone was brave enough to do such a thing. He keenly observed the white crane until he thought it was long enough and flew again. This time, he flew above the fields of glaze lillies that he managed to preserved back when he got the little budding from the broken hut.

Back to reader pov
Few hours go by as the two were having fun together. (Y/N) than yawns now feeling tired. Making Xingqiu notices this as they still laid in the same spot. "My Lady you seem exhausted. Why don't I take you home an..-" she sits up real fast hearing the word home. This made Xingqiu raise an eyebrow in question by her reaction as she shook her head No. "I rather stay away from there.." he than ask "why do you?" She sighs and thinks on if she should say the truth. "Xingqiu I can trust you right?" The boy sat up also and looked her in the eyes. "Of course that's what friends are for." He starts to wonder on her reaction earlier when she asked about visions and declined his offer on lending her a book as she felt like they wouldn't meet again. "Whatever you must tell me I'll gladly listen." (Y/N) than felt at ease and sees he really means it. And decided to just tell him on everything that's happened.
20 minutes later explaining short time skip

Xingqiu nods his head in understanding everything as he than speaks. "So you Never been outside or away from home and don't know much about the outside world? That's why you asked me so many questions on our way here? and you  ran away since your father been sheltering you so much?" She this time nods her head yes. Xingqiu than started feeling as he and her had more things in common he than tells her. "It's ok I always have to put on an act around other people, because they see me only as the second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild. It's a relief that I can just be myself around you. I think it's because you don't see me in the same way." She didn't know what the Feiyun commerce guild was but knew what he meant by always wearing a mask around others. "I wouldn't mind learning more of being outside from you Xingqiu" she smiles warmly at him. Making him blush once more and looking away. " I'll gladly be honored to help you on that." She beams brightly at his response and the two of them started talking more about themselves as Xingqiu tells her more things about what goes on outside. As they continue chatting they than grew more closer. "Xingqiu why do you love reading alone?." He gets happy on this subject and tries to stay calm while replying. "You ask me why I enjoy reading in solitude? ...Studiousness can hardly be considered a bad habit. There's not much more to it than that. Really." She giggles at his reaction and answer and hugs him. Which surprises him ."There's no problem with that so I agree." Xingqiu snaps out of it and shyly hugs her back."(Y/N) let's go back to Liyue. I want to show you something." She pouts at the idea of heading back but than accepts it as Xingqiu said he wants to show her something there. "Fine long as you keep me safe." She than rest her head against his chest still in a embrace. "I promise I will." At this point Xingqiu was red as a tomato being so close to her like this. Everything was fine until a sound of something growling at them was heard. The boy raises up his gaurd and looks around as he does so. A strong looking suspicious Hilichurl walks out towards them revealing itself. It had a unusual weapon in its hand. Causing Xingqiu to bring out his sword and pushing (Y/N) behind him. "My lady please stand back behind me where it's safe." The girl stayed behind him and didn't felt scared as to what this thing was. She just felt curious. "What is that thing!?!" He looks over his shoulder at her and says. "Some kind of Hilichurl. I never seen nor heard of." He than ready his sword in defense.
Zhongli pov

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