Is..this..Love?!?..Chapter 20 

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Author note: it's not finished it needs to be fixed and Edited since there's a lot of cringe parts. This chapter still in making so please be patient.


The (H/C) haired girl was asleep once again. She finds herself in the dream realm. She knew it's been ages since she's been in such a place but felt relieved she wasn't in that horrifying dimension. She didn't feel cold or dying at all. Just at peace and alive as she ran into a field of beautiful glazed lilies than thinks to herself. "At least it's not one of those dirty dreams..but zhongli did mention something about.." she tries to remember about something and says it out loud. "Xiao..." she than taps her lips with one finger. "Ooh I shouldn't say his name since zhongli said he can enter dreams by saying it or something..." she than covers her mouth.

The moment he heard his name summoned, Xiao quickly entered (Y/N)'s dream in his yaksha form and walked behind her, "You called?" He was not sure how she knew how to call him but considering Zhongli, he might told her about him so he won't feel lonely. Probably his Lord had approved of their friendship and that made him feel better

(Y/N) jumps startled for the second time that night. She turns around to find xiao there and backs away a little giving both of them some space. "N...not...EXACTLY?!?!!" her eyes were wide from seeing him and she wanted to not see the yaksha yet as she wasn't ready since she's had another crazy night. Mine as well say her life is crazy by now.

"oh...." He looked down, slightly dejected that she did not need him by the time. To be honest, he was looking forward when she was calling for him but turned out, she did not needed him in the first place. Being sealed was quite lonely for him but that was for his own good too and he knew that.

"I guess I should return then..." He then turned around

She holds back a sigh seeing how disappointed he looked. Soon as xiao turned around to leave she walks up to him and hugs him from behind. Burying her face into his back and tells him. "It's ok no need for you to go..."

Xiao jolted a bit of her sudden embrace. He then looked back at her. "It's okay. I do not want to hinder you with whatever you plan on doing today." He felt guilty for assuming she would need him there for a few second and thought how much of a fool he must have looked right in front of her.

She lets go of him and pinches his cheeks in annoyance and repeats herself. "I said it's ok no need for you to go!!...your no hindrance gosh what's with Morax and you acting like this?!?" (Y/N) whines but knew she would just have to deal with seeing xiao right now and hoped she doesn't act like she did the last time they met up.

Xiao blinked at her pinching his cheeks. He then took her arms in his hold, away from touching his cheek and looks at her with his golden eyes. "Alright. I sensed you were in danger and informed my lord. Seens like he managed to get you on time?" Xiao questioned, since he was trying to find out what truly happened. "Did that fatui guy bother you like the last time? I do recognise his voice since he and my lord usually hold conversations between each other."

She shyly pulls her arms away from his grip and freezes at how xiao mentioned the orange male Fatui Harbinger. She wonders how he knew of him and than acts dumb fast and pretends she doesn't know what he is asking. "Ooh it's nothing I told Zhongli I was just seeing things again so I'm fine..hehe.." she smiles at him reassuringly hoping that convinced him.

Xiao frowned and got closer to her, "you sure? Cause I was positive i could hear you screaming at him... That's when I notified my Lord... You may lie to him, but please don't lie to me. Is he threatening you? I can kill him for you if you want me to." Xiao knew nothing except genocide and murder since apparently, that was the only thing he was good at

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