Unknown develop feelings Chapter 15

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Fatui member one: "how did he find us or knew we were here?!?"

Fatui member 2: "I don't know man but as I warn you this is a Sucidal plan."
Fatui member one: "tch fine we'll retreat for now. He won't be pleased of our failure..." he stands up and walks away. His friend nods their head and does the same by following them. They leave.

(Y/N) was trying her best not to fall asleep but eventually she gives in and snuggles closely to xiao feeling more comfortable being by him.

Xiao's eyes were locked on the Fatuis that were walking away from them. He could feel (Y/N) snuggles getting closer and closer that made him flinched a bit but not hard enough that it would wake her. It was very awkward for him at first but slowly, he gave in and let her be. He was never the one with skinship to begin with let alone, snuggle with people. But this was not so bad. "So warm... Are girls really this small and soft?" He thought. Seeing how comfy she was, he was relunctant at first as he raised his hand to pat her but slowly, he patted her back and wondered if the pat was too hard so he barely did it, mentally wondering what the hell was wrong with him.

Before he could relaxed himself, he noticed 2 big geovishaps rolling their ways, he held her close to his chest and frowned, staring at the duo just to make sure they're just passing by.

Her body felt relaxed until her eyes slowly opens and she finds her face buried into xiao chest and his arms wrapped tightly around her in a Proactive way being held more closely to him. She now blushes madely and feels her heart rate go at a faster pace as she never felt before And freezes. She tries to speak but couldn't find words to say anything and stayed silent.

The Geo vishaps then suddenly making a sharpturn, and in a split second, they jumped and crashed down towards them. Lucky Xiao was swift enough, to hold (Y/N) properly in bridal and jumped of in the air, using his anemo vision. It was high enough that the Geo vishap could not touch them. But then, they spit out densed cor lapis from their mouth towards him in mid air. In such position, he could not fight with her in his arms so he dashed forward in mid air, just barely missing the sharp cor lapis. He could not let her down since it would spell danger for her as well. He gritted his teeth, glaring at the Vishaps that were chasing them.

Unprepared she instantly wraps her arms around his neck and yelps in shock at the sudden movements. She knew she was close to fainting instead of falling asleep this time. She finally speaks. "AH!?!...XIAO!!" She looks over her shoulders and sees Monsters attacking them and than looks up at xiao seeing how frustrated he was getting.

Hearing her voice, he knew she was scared, so he tightens his hold on her to make her feel better and said, "Hold on tight!" He then summoned his primordial Jade polearm and kicked it towards them as it made a big impact that made both vishaps fell on theit back. He thought he could breathe in relief but unfortunately, those Geo vishaps were quick to get back on their knees and spitting rapid cor lapis at them. Xiao did his best to avoid all of them and some scratched his arms and his right cheek as he hissed in pain.

She nods her head having a hard time to process everything that's happening at the moment. But knew she felt so helpless and weak. She hides her face into the right crook of his neck and whimpers weakly at xiao. "I..I'm sorry..."

The moment he heard her apology, he frowned, wanting to say something but he knew he needed to focus on the vishapsin front of him, "we'll talk later! Words are useless at this point!" He summoned his polearm again and kicked it towards them the second time. This time, the vishaps seemed to get weakened by the impact he gave. He then gathered enough energy he could muster even though he barely had enough right after the previous fight and dashed away, towards the peak of the mountain where he knew is a safe place and finally, landed with a harsh thud on the ground. He juat managed to recover and now this. What terrible luck he had that day

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