serenity Chapter 14

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Baizhu sighs in relief as they were now gone. Happy that they didn't ask to stay until the rain stops. He than turns around to walk to the back of the pharmacy and heads to the living room. Soon as he makes it there he sees (Y/N) reading something he didnt approve of so he frowns. "Where did you get that??" She looks up from her book sitting on the couch from where she was at to noticed Baizhu was there and almost hides it. "Something Xingqiu and I picked up at the wanwen bookhouse." She sighs seeing where things were now going already. Baizhu tries to stay calm and walks over to her and sits next to her. "Look I know I said we'll have a chat later. And I know your not acting as yourself after Zhongli came and watching over xiao." She stares at Baizhu with emotionless eyes and says nothing as he continues. "You didn't listen when I left to go talk to the old lizard. You'll still be punished for that. But My main concern is you So tell me what's wrong?

After a few hours, Xiao has finally recovered. He fell into a deep sleep as Zhongli sat next to him, waiting. Ver Goldet came in and offered him a cup of tea which he accepted it with thanks. Huai'an too was looking after Xiao worriedly as well.

"Is the Karma lately increased?" The old archon asked.

Huai'an looked away and nodded sadly. It was probably due to the abyss' interference with the ley lines that made things worst. Zhongli stood up and looked at them, "Tonight, I'll take over Xiao's job. You two look after him."

After announcing that, Zhongli walked away and turned into his exuvia form and started patrolling again. This time, looking after which ley lines that had been disrupted.

"I..Felt useless...Yea I watched over him but he wouldn't allow me to help him..." she grumbles underneath her breath and lays the book on her lap looking away from Baizhu in disappointment and feeling ashamed. Baizhu than rests one of his hands onto hers and says. "It's ok dear no need to beat yourself up. I'm sure he told you Humans medical treatment won't work on him as he is a adepti. So please understand " she starts glaring daggers now "I DO UNDERSTAND BUT YOU'VE TAUGHT ME ALMOST EVERYTHING IN YOUR LINE OF WORK!!" Her voice raises up and she huffs. Baizhu than gently pulls her into a hug and speaks once more resting his chin against her right shoulder. "I may have taught you everything as a doctor but not all this god and adepti's stuff as of yet. Yea I'm famous for my job and am the best. But that doesn't mean you have to follow in my footsteps dear."  (Y/N) slowly hugs him back and sulks. "I do want to become even better than you are as a doctor..someday.."

That night, the old dragon slithered here and there and fixed most of the corrupted leylines that he barely have enough strength left for he had been using his powers non-stop. Lucky the next day was his first day off so he could rest assure and spend more time checking on Xiao. But seeing how he was faring, he did not seem to need anymore of his healings. He the went to the top of mount Aozang and stared at the place where he once had meals wuth Guizhong and Cloud retainer. All that was left was just memories. He stared solemnly from afar until dawn break in and descended back to liyue harbour.

Baizhu stands up and smiles at her. "You do have a free will to choose whatever path in life. So be patient you are young still. As for your punishment." He pauses and sees that she wasn't in the mood for this so he says. "We'll talk about that later too. Now get some rest before I change my mind. Your lucky I'm being nice lately." (Y/N) Beams at Baizhu for putting it on hold and stands up fast and runs to her room. "NIGHT FATHER!!" Changsheng chuckles at the interaction and says. "You really are changing.~" Baizhu doesn't reply as he walks to his room as well.
Next day

(Y/N) wakes up and thinks to herself. "I'm surprised I'm sleeping well these past few days. But am still having those strange dreams..I'm not complaining." She started to feel hot at the thought of her dreams and ignores it as she than stands up to go get ready for the day.

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