Childe and zhongli chapter 19

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(Y/N) enters her room and finds Baizhu still unconscious. Changsheng notices her presence and tells her calmly. "He's alright child. Just resting I'm sure he'll be up by tomorrow since I've done everything I could to keep him stabilized" (Y/N) felt relieved that Baizhu was alright. "I guess I'll sleep on the living room Couch tonight. Changsheng laughs at what she had said and teases. "You had no problems sleeping with your father at a younger age. What has changed? Cause in my eyes your still a kid." (Y/N) frowns at the white snake. "I'm no longer a kid Changsheng....stop making fun of me!!" She shouts as Changsheng laughs more but eventually they calmed down and say seriously. "I know your not.. your growing up so fast such a shame. " their red orbs than softened at the girl. Feeling very proud of her as if they too was a parent to her and remembering how (Y/N) was a baby and they didn't approve of Baizhu choice to take her in at first. So much has changed on Changsheng since the girl has grown a place within their heart on them.


Finally, zhongli decided to have the stroll for the day to check on liyue harbour for the night as well as checking for Xiao's condition. If his condition gets better faster than he thinks, he'll unseal the poor Yaksha. since sealing him was too big of a punishment. As well as he felt bad for punishing Xiao for the responsibility he performed until overexerted himself while Zhongli too, did the same. He then flew up in the sky and went to pervases' shrine just to check on sleeping Xiao. The moment he arrived, he checked on Xiao's condition. It seemed that he had finally stabilized. That was when moon carver, in his deer form, descended beside him, "Rex Lapis?" Zhongli nodded at him, acknowledging his presence.

"Go get some rest if you can. I'll keep watch over him so don't worry" Changsheng tells the girl reassuringly. She looks at them confused and than outside the window to see that it has gotten dark already. "This day went by quickly.." she than felt unsure about resting knowing she might end up in that realm of cold and darkness again or see guizhong. "I'll try..." she tells the snake as she grabs whatever extra beddings she had in her room and glimpse at Baizhu sleeping peaceful face one last time before leaving the room

"You seemed exhausted," the moon carver started a conversation.

"Things happened," Zhongli gave him a short reply, still looking at the sleeping Xiao.

"I am aware of the vassals. I am in no position to say but please rethink of your condition. Please do not exert your condition any longer," He pleaded, worried of the old archon.

Zhongli took a deep thought before finally replying, "You know I had no choice, right?" That word made him speechless. The moon carver then bowed, excusing himself and went to patrol on Rex Lapis's stead for the night. 'The night sure was long', Zhongli thought. He felt bad that only on the last minute, had he finally noticed of his feelings for Guizhong. Not even (Y/N) could replace her memories that had been embedded in him deeply.


Feeling calmed and relaxed as she laid on the couch with her eyes closed she thinks to herself. "Maybe I should try...shouldn't be scary.." she than tries to sleep hoping nothing will happen.

The figure of the Rex Lapis looking at the slumbering Yaksha then walked away into the night. Taking a night stroll once in a while might help him clear off his mind once in a while. Before he even realized it, he's already at Mount Aocang at where he, cloud retainer and Guizhong had always had their meals. He then sat there, taking out the dumbell and mourned upon the love he did not managed to salvage. "Until this very day, too... Have I failed to unlock this puzzle... I'm sorry, dear friend..."

(Y/N) had fallen asleep soundly but after all that has happened her guard was up. A figure gazed upon her sleeping form and walks towards her on the couch. (Y/N) felt someone there making her wake up quickly. and glare at the person that was sitting next to her with a smirk on their face. She than whispers their name as her hopes on nothing would happen tonight came crashing down. "Childe....."

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