What's happening?? Chapter 9

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The sun is about to set and the day for his work had finally come to and end for the day. He decided to go to the usual restaurant he always been and had his dinner there while listening to iron tongued tian. He did not eat much this time since his appetite was not there to begin with after everything that happened.

This time, he let the exaggerated stories of himself delivered by Tian slide. Usually he would question and fixed the iron tongued man regarding the misinformation be gave and such but today, he did not seem to be doing so. Even uncle Tian noticed him being awfully silent for the day, so right after he finished delivering what he needed, he pulled up a chair and sit right in front of the Geo Archon whom he knew as the mortal Zhongli.

"Something's on your mind?" The man asked.

"I... Guess so," Zhongli came back to his senses, noticed that the tea cup he's holding was now cold so he took a quick gulp in one go.

Uncle Tian then pour more for the man to drink again, "Wanna share it with this old man?"

Zhongli hesitated for a moment. Should he even share his personal problems with mortals like him?
Reader pov

Baizhu spent that whole night and day and also stayed up the night to talk to (Y/N) as he also teaches her some things. They sat in her room as it was now night again. She than ask him. "Teach me how to fight.!" Baizhu looks at her shocked he was going to say no but than understood how it would come in handy. Since he'll worry less about her being targeted by others. She gives him a determined look as he doesn't respond to her as he was now deep in thought. "Father!?!" He than snaps out of it and replies finally. "Alright I'll allow it. I have taught you on medical things so knowing combat combined would be useful." She than grins happily and feels excited to learn. "When will you show me?" Baizhu pats her on the head and chuckles as he felt tired by now. "You sure have So much energy my child. Not now you must rest I believe I shown and explained to you enough" she than pouts and didn't want to sleep as she still felt scared after what happened. but understood that she took up so much of Baizhu time and energy than decided to let him go. "You go rest father" he nods his head and stands up to leave the room as he tells her. "You rest as well. We'll continue later." he shuts her door behind him and heads to his room. (Y/N) than lays down on her bed and felt something fell from her hair. She blinks in confusion as she than picks up a hair ornament. "Where this come from?" She didn't even knew she was wearing it but couldn't remember where she had gotten it. However she did felt like she forgotten something.
Zhongli pov
After having a talk with uncle Tian, Zhongli then excused himself to go and do his nightly duties, which was looking over liyue. He then walked by the port and sees the men pulling their boats and pull down the anchors. One of the men said, "That's all for today, all of you go and have a rest."

Rest... Something that is far too luxury for a rex lapis. He then moves to another place and changed into the exuvia then ascended the sky. The lonely night sky had always been his best friend. But soon, he noticed a small green bird flying beside him.

"May I have the honour of accompanying you, Rex Lapis?" The smaller bird questioned.

The dragon closed his eyes with a smile, he replied, "You do not need my permission for such a thing. Seems like tonight is but a peaceful day to you, I presumed?"

"Yes, sir. If only every nights are like this," The smaller bird looked away sadly.

"Is the job I gave you but far too big of a burden, Xiao?" He asked worriedly, fearing that Xiao could not take it anymore as well as worried if he was working xiao like the once evil God who worked him to the bones.

"No, sir. It is my duty to protect liyue from harm as much as you do," He answered briefly.

"I am glad," He smiled.

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