Questions Chapter 11

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(Y/N) realizes that they had land on ground and she sits up and looks around. "Are we too far from home?" She ask him as she had trouble getting down by herself
He noticed the lady could not get down so he lowered hinself just enough for her to get down from his back, "Don't worry. Any distance is short if you fly. I can get you home before Baizhu even noticed that you're gone."

"Im not worried at all. If father did find out he won't be pleased." Her feet touches the ground as she was now standing. " Alright than..but when will you want to answer my questions?" She wasn't in no rush in knowing things since she felt free and alive to be out of the pharmacy again.

As the girl finally got down to the ground, he shifted his appearance and shrunk into the body of the rex lapis, looking at her with his amber eyes, hoodie still on his head, "and the question is?" The Geo Archon did not dare look what was beneath her neck for Lord's sake, her dressing would be dangerous for his conscience

Her back was turned facing him so she turns around and sees Zhongli in a different form gazing into her eyes. but she couldn't see his face fully since he was wearing a white hoodie. Her eyes than looks at his horns and his tail. Again she says in her mind. "He still looks strange.." she than speaks again. " first question is...what do I call you?"

Zhongli blinked and thought for a while, then he said, "People in Liyue called me rex lapis while guizhong called me Morax. Any will do since it is but still my name. So call me whichever you see fit." he said as he stepped on the ground and constructed the area to be a small arena for them to practice. For him, it would suffice.

She watches him as she decided on what to call him. "Morax than..." her hands were now behind her back as she continues. "Second question is something I don't know. Father tried talking to me on the subject today but left me curious. " she pouts at how Baizhu tried explaining something to her and ran away without even going on with it. "I tried looking at books but found no answers. I got a feeling he's hiding something from me again " one of her right hand index finger taps on her lips as she started wondering what it was again.

Zhongli response was to say "Oh?" As he thinks in his head of Her words regarding Baizhu's action caught his attention. He then thought hard. Was it because he was trying to explain to the poor girl that he was a previous archon as well and could not say it since it eas already too much for her to process? Or was it the reason he was dying was due to the fight he went on during cataclysm? He then crossed his arms and held his chin, pondering.

"What was the last thing you've heard from him or that silver snake hanging around his neck?"

She than remembers and says. "Father said something about becoming of age and knowing more about relationships and boys. Than Changsheng brought up love which I don't know why. After that they acted weird." She was getting confused again thinking about this and continues. "Father tried to make Changsheng quiet but the snake manage to say something" She stares at zhongli more curiously still unable to see his face and ask. "What is romance??..and sex??..why did they bring up love???"

Zhongli was dumbstruck, it was clearly not the area of his expertise. He cleared his throat, a slight blush run on his cheek as he looked away, "I.... Many people has questioned me for all sorts of questions but... This is the first time I have been asked with such.... Explicity... Uhm...." Not sure how to answer, he turned and asked again, "How-.... How much do you know about romance. It is not the area of my expertise but I could try answer as much as I know."

She tilts her head to the side cutely and answers. "I know nothing of any of this. Just learned the words not the meaning. That's why I'm asking you. " she than walks up closely towards him and grabs his tail as she couldn't resist the urge not to. Her left hand slides on the scales as she playfully strokes it. "So soft and smooth!!" She giggles.

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