Embarrassment Chapter 10

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(Y/N) stayed up all night as she now had insomnia from being so traumatized after all that has happened. It was now morning time while Baizhu was in her bed asleep still recovering. (Y/N) was  at the front of the pharmacy. She touches the front counter and sighs as she had missed working at it. Than her mind goes to Qiqi who wasn't around yet. She makes a disliked look on her face thinking of the dead girl. "Why did father bring that home again??...she's supposed to be my sister??" She says out loud to herself as a familiar voice speaks to her. "(Y/N)..I'm glad your alright!" She turns around to face that person and smiles wildly at him as she runs towards him and hugs him. "Xingqiu!!!" The blue haired boy felt caught off guard at how excited she was to see him and almost falls backwards onto his butt. He managed  stay on his feet and catch the girl into his arms and hugs back. "I did promise I visit you after all." He blushes slightly at how close they were and hid his face into the crook of her neck on either side.this than made his mind go a bit crazy as he smells her scent. "She's so warm and smells so good..wait no I..I..can't.." he thinks in his head as (Y/N) than looks at him into his eyes. "Xingqiu you ok?..." poor girl still didn't know nothing about romance or relationships so she acted so innocent and oblivious. Before the boy could answer both of them hears someone clearing their throat and felt a presence of them standing over them. "Excuse me boy...what are you doing to my daughter?" Xingqiu gets so surprised and a bit startled by Baizhu he instantly let goes of (Y/N) and bows his head apologetically at him now stuttering over his words. His face now fully red as a tomato from embarrassment. "Oh UM....sir...I..I...!!" Changsheng sighs at how Baizhu was acting.
Zhongli pov
Working in wansheng funeral parlour, he could see paperworks piled up as he sorted them one by one and scanned each one of them. Apparently he too, was given an assistant to help him with paperworks and files and folders regarding his clients. Apparently the previous consultant did not do his job properly and thus, left Zhongli with a workload to clean up on. He did not mind for he thought this was one of the new experience he get to have. Lurking amost the mortals was the best decision he ever made despite of all the oddities he faced.
Reader pov

Baizhu glasses than gives a scary glint off of it as he wears them with his arm crossed over his chest. Looking at Xingqiu menacingly. (Y/N) didn't know what was going on and didn't like how he was acting towards her friend. So she hits Baizhu on the head. "Father whatever your doing stop it!!..your scaring him." Baizhu grunts by her actions and rubs his head. Changsheng finally bursts out into laughter instead of holding it in as they been doing lately. "(Y/N)...you got some explaining to do on who's this.." Xingqiu knew of Baizhu as he was famous for being a doctor in liyue but didn't know that (Y/N) was his daughter. Nor expected to meet him. "I am Xingqiu sir..Me and (Y/N)..met when she was out few days ago and became friends." Baizhu gives Xingqiu the stink eye as he leans down to the boy ear and hisses. "It better stay friends.." Xingqiu than gets a mischievous look in his eyes as he sees this as a threat and a challenge. Baizhu than stands up straight and grabs (Y/N) by her right hand and drags her away towards the living room. (Y/N) almost trips as she was confused as always. "Sorry XINGQIU!!...IT WAS NICE SEEING YOU!!..." Xingqiu pouts and understood now wasn't a good time to visit. So he waves at her goodbye and leaves while telling her. "I'll see you again on good terms I hope."
Zhongli pov

After sorting his paperworks, zhonglu then noticed the lists of items needed to be tended. The incenses and a few items for a funeral held for an old pedder's death. He knew he had to go to the bubu pharmacy for the incense and sighed, knowing he could never not go to bubu pharmacy at all. Especially when he was the consultant and needed to personally check the items himself. He then got up and grabed his coat and readied himself to go out to the pharmacy. He carried the list and kept walking towards the pharmacy.

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