The truth Chapter 8

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her head rests against zhongli chest as she lays in his arms unconscious still. Once again shrouded in darkness alone. Hearing the familiar voice of a woman still. (Y/N) than spoke while still knocked out now repeating guizhong last words to zhongli. With a sad weak smile. " Morax...forget about the stone dumbbell..." her hair glows more as dust fell from it while zhongli Carried her unconscious body. Tears begin to fall down from her closed eyes to her cheeks.

Zhongli sped up until he could finally see the harbour. Fast, he ran towards bubu pharmacy, ignoring the glances given by the people around him and called out for the old acquaintance, "DR. BAIZHU! IS HE HERE??" Panicking, his eyes darted here and there, scanning the area inside of the pharmacy.

He then was greeted by a small violet haired child, "Welcome to bubu pharmacy. How can qiqi help you?" Without any emotions, the zombie girl asked.

"Please get me the Doctor... (Y/N) is in great pain..." He explained to the child, his tone gave off the vibe of urgency.

Qiqi nods her head and was about to turn around to go get Baizhu. But Baizhu himself walks into the room to check on the zombie girl. He than freezes as soon as he sees (Y/N) in Zhongli arms. Changsheng than comes out and snickers as they see what state she's in . "This doesn't look good.~" Baizhu than glares at the snake in the corner of his eyes but felt relieved his daughter was back but also felt very upset.

Zhongli sees the man" Goodness, there you are. Where do I lay her? Will she be okay?" He was never that nervous ever since Guizhong and now, he even panicked that it was a rare thing to happen to him. He then walked towards the green haired male.

"I have a lot of questions, but I am sure you do too on what happened and where she was. I'll fill you in after you treated her. Will that do?" He asked, trying to bargain with the doctor so both of them get the equal informations that they need.

Baizhu sighs and turns to walk to (Y/N) room and says. "Just follow me and lay her on her bed." He didn't want to explain himself to zhongli even though the dark brown haired male was trying to get answers out of him he still refused to. "No need for deals since I am her guardian so of course I'll treat her." Changsheng slithers to whisper in Baizhu ear . "You can't hide everything from her or him. Stop this. This is your fault of how she ended up like this after all"  Baizhu closes his eyes and tries to ignore the urge to strangle the animal on his shoulders. He than opens the door to (Y/N)'s room and walks in. All he wanted was for her to be safe from everything.
Zhongli nodded his head, following the long green haired male into the young girl's room then gently lay her down, making sure he did not hurt her or leave any scratch. Looking at her, she looked more and more like the guizhong he knew. Something about her felt very unsettling to the dark brown haired male. He had his hunches about her very existence but he would not jump into conclusions until he got all the evidences.

He then noticed that both of them were covered in dust and so he turned towards the doctor and asked kindly, "Would you mind if I use the bathroom? As you can see, my attire is pretty uhm... Dusty. It won't take long."

Baizhu explains to Zhongli where the restroom was. "Over that way." He pointed him in the direction and shouts Qiqi name as he sees a trail of gold dust all over the floor. Qiqi than walks into the room with no emotions in her eyes."Yes Baizhu?" The green haired male than orders her to sweep it all up. She nods her head and gets to work of cleaning the "evidence" up. Baizhu than turn to look at (Y/N). He knew she wasn't in any danger as she had a peaceful look on her face now asleep. "So much trouble you've caused child." He says as he grabs a nearby chair and sat beside the bed. "I hope that deceased women isn't up to something..." he thought of The god of dust knowing that she dwells in (Y/N). And made her the new god of dust. And having to inherit everything from her. Yet he still doesn't know what (Y/N) is capable of. Baizhu stops thinking in his head and gently pets his "daughter" hair in a caring way. "At least your home." Changsheng decided to stay silent and watch the events that unfolded before them.

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