Friends Chapter 5

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Xingqiu stands up straight and shyly gaze into the girls beautiful eyes. He than ask"May I please know who this fair lady I gaze my eyes upon is in return?" She blinks again and understands that she forgot to introduce herself back and apologize for not doing so as it felt rude. "Oh um..I'm so sorry..You told me your name but I haven't.." she bows her head back in a polite way and says." I'm (Y/N)..and again it's a pleasure to meet you and I'm sorry for earlier." Xingqiu than smiles and holds out his hand bravely to her wanting her to take it. "As I said my Lady it is not your fault. And as for your questions regarding books. Yes Evidently, my hobby is reading. I'll read anything and everything. ...What's that mischievous grin for?" (Y/N) couldn't help but make a huge goofy grin at the boy as he explains about his hobbies for books. He than questions her feeling a bit embarrassed and says. "Oh. That's between the two of us, okay? It's not appropriate to discuss it out loud. There's no point in bringing it up anyway." She gently grabs his hand and held it in a friendly manner making him more flustered. He hides his face in his book so she wouldn't see how red he was getting. He wasn't expecting her to hold his hand back after all. And so she replies. " oh it's ok Xingqiu I love to read as much as you do so I understand" she than gives him a warm smile which made his heart melts in his chest. He clears his throat. "Are you keeping well, my liege? If you have no other matters to attend to, might I recommend a trip to the Wanwen Bookhouse? Or..Some place interesting..!" He than screams at himself in his head. "Did I just ask her out? But we just met?!?" He than tries to play it cool as if he said nothing. But (Y/N) beams at the jester of his offer on going on a adventure. But didn't know that he was asking her out nor know what a date is. So she responds " Oh If it's out of The city I wouldn't mind I never been away from Liyue!!" She than held his hand closely to her chest making him want to faint but he refrains from doing so. He than wonders why she's never been outside of Liyue city and gets a idea. "Alright my lady I shall guide you to places you never seen!"
She than bounces up and down in excitement and squeals."THANK YOU SO MUCH LETS GO!!!"

Baizhu makes it to the ceremony site and question a few people there and they answered him about his daughter just left a few minutes ago. He than sensed something bad as his heart than drops at the feeling. "I hope she doesn't leave Liyue city..." more worried appears on his face as he runs away from the area now feeling sick to his stomach at the thought. Changsheng stayed silent as they knew right now wasn't the moment to tease Baizhu or be sarcastic.
Zhongli pov

The man was holding the hair ornament on his hand, wondering what he should do with it. He kept on strolling around liyue until the sun was finally setting. He guess it was time for his nightly routine which was flying all over liyue, patrolling in his exuvia form. He sighed and the tucked the said ornament in his pocket and walks back to the outskirt towards the wuwang hill and finally changing his form into hia dragon self.

From the hill, he could see the boats and the ships slowly returning back to the harbour, finally finishing the task of the day. He gazed upon the beautiful scenery one last time before finally decided to ascend back into the sky, flying around making sure liyue is out of danger. For the missing child, he had to leave it as it be and check on her again when the sun is up again.
Readers pov with Xingqiu
Xingqiu walks in hand with (Y/N) as he sees that the sun has gone down. She follows him and notices that it's now late. But shrugs it off as she decided that she didn't wanna go home. (Y/N) than gets a idea as she knew Xingqiu was a smart wise understanding boy and she had so many questions about The archon gods and elements and statues of the seven she ask him lots of things and he happily answered them. "Xingqiu what's a vision?" The boy than stops walking  and face her as they now stood by the entrance to the city. He knew it was a hard topic to explain so he makes a promise and says." There aren't many records on matters concerning Visions, but I do have a passage dedicated to the topic in my collection of ancient texts. I can lend it to you if you want." He smiles at her. She than felt a bit bad for running away and hesitated on giving him a answer. "I would love to read such a thing..but what if we don't see each other again?" She ask this since she knew Baizhu was in search of her by now. And wasn't sure how long she'll enjoy her fun. Xingqiu frowns at the answer and ask. "I may not know much about you but..I enjoy our time together." He than kneels on one knee and hold the girls hand in front of his face now resting his lips upon the back of it. He gently kisses it and says. "Now this is what I call a moment of solitude" he whispers as (Y/N) blushes slightly by his actions and wasn't sure what exactly was going on. He than smirks and continues. "I'll make a promise Lady (Y/N). We'll alway be friends." She than answers "If I remember correctly a friend is a companion?. I never had one before." She only read about friendship in books as a kid but never experienced having any. "Al..-Alright than sure" Xingqiu than felt pleased by this. And than stands up back onto his feet and says in a humble matter. "Xingqiu at your service, my liege! I humbly trust that even one such as I, a mere bookworm, may yet prove to be of some utility under your wise leadership." She giggles at how he's acting now and he blushes again and turns around to move forward and says to himself. " Nice, I don't often get a chance to speak with such formality. It felt pretty good!" She follows him as they still held each other's hands. "Xingqiu your a odd one" than few minutes goes by and they were now gone from liyue city entrance now outside of said city.
Baizhu kept running as his mind was telling him to go to the city entrance. He than stops for a second panting heavily as his weak body couldn't handle this much stress. He than sees it's now night time and falls onto his hands and knees. "This..girl...will be the death of me!!" Changsheng tries not to laugh at the poor man as they knew he had such a crazy day. "I'm sure she'll come back eventually. When she do I hope you learn your lesson." Baizhu didn't even felt like making a comeback at Changsheng and took his glasses off as tears streamed down his white pale face. At this moment he had enough. But was determined to bring (Y/N) back home himself. "If the fatui or the adepti's or any of the gods and others find out about her than..." he grips his glasses in his hands and Changsheng says nothing this time as they knew what he was getting at.
Reader pov
The two were now a little bit far from the city now enjoying the view. They stood on top of a small hill where (Y/N) lets go of Xingqiu hand as she was amazed by pretty fireflies flying around them in a field of glaze lilies. The stars shining bright above there heads. "XINGQIU!! THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!" He watches her with a fond amused look. As she twirls around in circles while trying to catch the fireflies. He than ask her." What say you we snatch a few fireflies and read in the light they give?" She looks at the boy curious now and he laughs in a playful manner. " Hey, I'm joking. Seriously, don't, it's bad for your eyesight." They than both laugh together. As they than lay down by each other on the small hill of a field of glaze lilies surrounded by them and gaze up at the shiny stars feeling content. With happy smiles on their faces. 

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