In search chapter 4

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The look of the said Geo Archon was the look of pure confusion. That was the first time he ever heard that any citizens of Liyue, including the withering Dendro archon in front of him, to not trust the millelith. For what he had known, Millelith had always been his loyal vassals that faught alongside him even during the big cataclysm. Knowing the stubbornness of the man in front of him, he heaved a heavy sight and said, "If you put it that way, I will respect you wishes. Even so, I cannot say that I won't try to help you find her but if I see any 14 year old that I am not familiar of, I will be sure to return her to the pharmacy. I happen to have a good memory and I remember each and every faces of people of liyue."

With that last sentence he parted with the green haired man and walked towards the shopkeeper whom he saw talking to Baizhu just now.

" Excuse me, boss. May I know the child the man spoke of?" The slender amber eyed man began interrogating.

"Ah, you mean (Y/N)? She was an adoptive child of Baizhu. Such a great beauty she is and that sweet voice of her. Who would have thought she is now a young teenager," The shopkeeper explained.

Zhongli began to feel amused on how Baizhu managed to keep (Y/N) from his keen gaze for 14 years. He did hear the gossips here and there and by the time he tried to get to know it, it was like everyone was shushed from ever talking about the said child. Not even the adeptis were aware of the existence of this child. And so he began to suspect that there was something about her that made Baizhu hide her from the Adaptis and the Geo Archon himself. He wondered whether he should pry or leave it as it is and what Baizhu had in mind that whether or not the existence of (Y/N) would be a threat to the safety of liyue.

Baizhu frowns at Zhongli response as he told him he might still help. And walked away he two than sighs and starts walking away now ignoring the man and focused back on finding the girl. "Just don't get in my way old man..." he mumbles quietly to himself.
Readers pov

She wonder's around the streets of Liyue for a bit. Enjoying the scenery and the fresh air. "Wow being outside is so amazing!! And BEAUTIFUL!!" She gushes over everything she never seen or heard before until now. As she continues to walk she than bumps into a boy with short blue hair. Causing her to almost fall onto her butt. The boy had his face buried in a book and once he felt the impact of them running into each other. He instantly catches the girl in his free arm. They than gaze into each other's eyes for a few seconds and both started blushing and stuttering.
(Y/N): "OH MY IM SO SORRY!! I-.."
Boy:" it's ok I was the one who didn't see you" he lets go of her and helps her stand up properly. He lowers the book to fully look at her and soon as he does he felt his heart beat ten times faster and stutters again but by her gorgeous beauty. "I..It's..A...Pl..PLEASURE!!" She stood there and blinks in confusion as he continues. "MY NAMES XINGQIU!!" He than bows his head now introducing himself. In his mind he started to wonder what's wrong with him?. She raises both her hands in front of her face and says. "It's a pleasure to meet you two but are you alright?" She than tilts her head cutely to the side and looks at the book in his hands. "Oh I see you love to read?. I do as well." At that moment Xingqiu than felt something he never felt before some kind of special connection between them. He never thought he get to experience in his life since he himself only cared about books and gaining knowledge.

Zhongli pov
After getting enough information regarding (Y/N), the dark brown haired men frowned more and more. The description given regarding the young child was similar to the one person he had always missed. But he would not succumb to such thoughts until he met her and so, he started walking around the streets of liyue, recognizing each and every faces walked past him and yet none of them actually fits the description made. Was the description somehow exaggerated? He pondered. With the masses walking around for the sake of the festive air, it made it harder for him to pick one person with such discription out of the sea of people. Vendors would occasionally asked him to come visit their stalls. He would kindly declined some of them and visited some for he too would enjoy the festival while looking fot the said teenager.

"Brother in the dark brown outfit, come, I have a very special offer!" Called out the vendor which piqued the man's interest.

"Yes?" He walked closer.

"We have this beautiful hair ornament that is crafted like glaze lillies. You could give this to your significant other," A big smile appeared as cross the vendor's face.

Zhongli went speechless and picked the ornament to observe. To his surprise, the jeadite used for this ornament was of pure quality, just like the ones he always see within the deep part of the chasm. Not to mention the craftmanship of such fine replication of a subtle glaze lilly. It was a breathtaking sight.

"How much does it costs?" Asked Zhongli as his amber eyes keenly observes the ornament.

"It's only 2000 mora," the vendor replied which made Zhongli eyes widened.

"It is made beautifully and the jeadite is of pure stone. Why is it sold so... Cheaply?" He remarked, frown of disappointment appear across his face.

"It is fine. This is the last piece. If no one's buying it, I plan on giving it away as a free gift," the vendor smiles sheepishly.

"800 000 Mora. I'll pay you 800 00 mora," The man said.

"Ehh??? B-but sir...."

"I cannot make a poor purchase on such a fine item. The value of this jeadite itself is too high of a quality. Please, accept my sincere judgement," Zhongli cuts off the man before he could say anything.

"Thank you. Thank you kind sir!" The man bowed and so, the transaction of the two was made. Zhongli then realize what would he be holding the hair ornament for. It was not like he have anyone he could give it to.

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