Cause I care Chapter 18

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(Y/N) tries to think on what had happened and instantly she started to remember everything. As much as Baizhu had so many questions to ask zhongli she too had a few herself. Still unable to speak she just laid there staring at the ceiling with so many emotions. The main emotions that had sticked out to her the most was "Fear". She knew her body wasn't in good shape but once again in awhile She refused to fall asleep. She looks at the small slumbering dragon next to her and makes a sullen look on her face.
By now Baizhu locked himself up in his study room with Changsheng very upset for the rest of the night.

The small dragon was really exhausted and he wondered how long he had been asleep. The moment he got up, he yawned a bit and stretched his body. He then climbed down the bed and walked towards the door on his stubby legs, which was quite annoying considering his size. Everything looks so big and he wondered when was the last time he ever felt that way.

Sunlight shines slowly through the window in the room signaling that the sun was rising up and it was a new day. (Y/N) didn't get no rest at all but tries to move her hands first before moving anything else. Her hands had responded but were shaking violently as she uses them to sit her weak self up and lean her back against the bed frame. She doesn't pay attention to zhongli as she does her own thing sitting there for a few minutes in silence. "..........."

Noticed how she's up, zhongli turned to her then went to the door and walked out to go find baizhu. Knowing him on that state, there's nothing much he could do anymore. And so he followed the Dendro trace of Baizhu's to get to him and jumped up to his table and sat up straight. "The child's up."

Baizhu sees zhongli in his tiny little form and wondered how he even got inside the room he was in. Or how did he even open the door. That soon changes his mind as he tries not to scowl at the Geo archon. He just smiles at hearing news of (Y/N) being up. "I'll make sure she'll do well in her recovery process than." He grabs a pen and starts taking random notes on a few stacks of paper on his desk. Not giving zhongli any eye contact. "As for you...feel free to speak whenever..." Baizhu made sure not to throw all his anger and confusion etc...onto the other male since he wanted to avoid getting into a fight. After all he saw his daughter unexpectedly dead in the man's grasp wearing different clothing. It gave the green haired Ex archon a heart attack after seeing that.

Zhongli nodded but as he saw the mint haired man leaving, he turned to him and apologized, "I'm sorry for shouting and degrading you just now. I was trying my best to make sure she's alive and breathing. I'll speak up later once you're done with her. I'm sure you're pretty much upset as I am for tresspassing your territory. But fear not. I did it to check on her. I'll fill you with the whole story later." He explained.

Baizhu sat there and listens to zhongli. He knew not to quickly judge or assume things as he wanted to hear the story himself clearly. Baizhu was still trying to be nice while he felt himself almost changed back to his old self. "Stubborn,overprotective,annoyed,secretive etc.." The green haired male speaks calmly. "You better" he doesn't say nothing about the apology since he needed to calm down. He knew zhongli was lucky that he was giving him a chance to explain sooner or later at some point. Baizhu stands up and leaves the study room. Changsheng wasn't sure to tell him about last night "Noises" they kept their mouth shut not wanting anymore trouble to come.

(Y/N) Room

She didn't want to stay in bed all day and be bed written so she tries to stand up onto her feet but collapses onto the floor with a loud thud. Her whole body screamed at her for moving making her tear up in so much pain.

The moment he saw the green haired man walked out, he wagged his tail and lay down on his front legs down on his table. He wasn't sure how the old friend would act but he was glad he didn't throw a tantrum, considering how he almost lost (Y/N).

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