Forgotten memories & promises Chapter 16

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Previously from last chapter:
(Y/N) felt a hand resting upon her shoulders. She turns around to find a man standing before her with a big friendly smile on his face. She backs away from him in fear not knowing who he is. She shouts at him. "WHO ARE YOU?!" and backs away more she almost falls off the steep hill He catches her into his arms and speaks "I'm childe~" his smile than turns into a smirk.
Zhongli goes on a search for xiao feeling worried for him and finds out that (Y/N) was maybe with him.
She jumps off the cliff of the mountain not thinking why she would do such a thing but felt content for falling to her death.

And so we continue

Baizhu was about to comment on if they needed help on finding the exit he doesn't get a chance to as he already sees Zhongli and xiao already leaving the living room area. "I'm sure they'll figure it out.." he too than turns around to walk into the hallway and head to his room feeling tired.


(Y/N) knew she wasn't fully off the hook from Baizhu but had a idea on how to make it up later. She than grabs comfortable night clothing to wear for bed and heads to the bathroom to get change. She than wish she didn't wear a skirt and sleeveless shirt for today after all that moving around a lot. She felt embarrassed remembering it all especially with xiao constantly holding her. (Y/N) hits herself in the head hard trying to forget not wanting to become a bright red tomato for the 100th time of today. "GOSH JUST GET READY FOR BED!!" She hisses to herself as she enters the bathroom and shuts the door behind her.

Since Zhongli had already been escorted once, the ancient man managed to remember every crooks and cranny of the maze like pharmacy. The smell of fresh herbs never fails to amaze him though. Xiao was still silent by his shoulder, preparing himself for the worst. While taking his sweet time walking out he was thinking of a appropriate punishment for the young adepti. The moment he stepped out of the pharmacy, an idea struct him. As how he did Azhdaha, he too, need to seal Xiao for a moment until he was fully recovered but, that would take away his freedom for a bit. But it was a reasonable punishment for his disobedience. And so, he headed to the shrine made by the people to honor Pervases's death. Xiao was frowning, not sure what his Lord had in his mind. Zhongli then stopped right in front of the altar. He then changed himself back into his Rex Lapis form and look at Xiao.

"Xiao," With one word, Xiao knew fully well that he is about to receive his punishment. And so, he changed back to his demon form and knelt in front of him, head down,

(Y/N) finishes getting dress and ready for bed. Normally she would wear shorts and a tank top but decided to just wear a black comfy night dress with nothing underneath. She was about to walk out until she heard a strange noise coming from her room. "What was that..??" She questions as she chooses to shrug it off and pretend she hears nothing. She than walks out the bathroom and heads into her room but once there she freezes as she sees a familiar figure sitting on her bed with a smirk on their lips. They than spoke "I been waiting for you for awhile beautiful ~" (Y/N) than turns around to head for her door not wanting to deal with any of this. "You...HOW...-?!?" Was all she could say as she made a run to the door before.


"I have decreed a seal on you for a week for your insubordination towards me," The words coming from the Lord's mouth made Xiao's eyes widened and looked at him with horror and frowns.

"This is but my act of benevolence unto you," His  amber eyes started to gleam a golden shimmer one by one his pillars rose from the ground surrounding the poor Yaksha.

"My Lord! Please forgive my incompetence! But if I do not eradicate those karma inflicted demons, then who will?" Xiao begged, since it was always his task that he took serious of it so dearly. Rex Lapis's amber eyes, still shining, did not leave the young adepti's stature.

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